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"So is there anything you would like to add Harry?" Harrys mind healer Abigale asked; they were in a comfy back room in the hospital wing.


She shook her head. "Harry may I ask you something?"

"It's your job." Harry shrugged in a nod.

"Why do you keep coming to me?"


"See I know you don't want to be here. Yet you come; you answer my questions as simply as possible and then you leave. You're perfectly polite but you aren't letting me help you."

"I don't need help Miss Hale."

"Is it me; would you rather work with someone else? Maybe a Wizard instead?" She offered though she knew it was a lost cause. There were only three mind healers in the whole country; all female. She was a very busy woman and so where her colleges.

"No Ma'am. I don't want to work with anyone."

She sighed. "How about we have a break over Christmas? We can come back in January."

"Okay…" Harry nodded and headed out of the room.

Harry hated seeing his mind healer; it was an annoying end to a very exiting week before Christmas.

Abigale herself was decent enough; he just hated the premise of the whole thing. He knew why people thought he would need a mind healer. It was just that Harry himself knew he didn't; he was perfectly fine.

The Weasleys; The Grangers; The Lovegoods; The Quinnins and Harrys Gran would all be spending Christmas Day at Wood Manor. A few of Oilver's friends had been invited too; Harry was very excited for such a big Christmas.

There was just one thing Harry needed to do before he went to bed that night.

He walked down the corridors towards the teacher's office. "Enter." The smooth voice called from within.


"Evens come in." Professor Snape was the only one who called him by that name continuously. To most people he was Harry now; to be honest he liked being called Harry more. Though it made the professor happy to call him Evens; and Harry didn't mind. Not at all. It was his mother's name and his mother was a better person than his father had been. He still loved both of them; Harry just wanted to emulate his mother that little bit more. "Did you need something?"

"Yes. I need you to help me with something. Not here."

Severus looked down at his desk and then up at the boy before he stood up. "What is it?"

"I'll show you if you come." Harry smiled a plea.

"Alright." Harry walked the professor to Myrtles bathroom.

"MR POTTER." Professor Snape argued. "This is the female bathroom. You are not to go in there."

"Myrtle won't mind. I come in to talk to here all the time. She's really nice but lonely." Harry ducked into the room. "Not many girls like her."

"Mr Potter. Harry!" Severus followed him. Harry waved to Myrtle and hissed at the sink. "Oh Slytherin balls." Harry had never herd the potion master swear before.

"Follow me Professor."

"Okay…?" He followed the student into the chamber. "What the hell is that?"

"It's a Basklis sir. I killed it last week. I was wondering what to do with it."

"You… Why ask me?"

"Well I trust you, sir." He told him. "I wasn't alone when I killed it but they don't want anything to do with it. I thought maybe you could cut it up for potion ingredients or something."

"Well yes actually. I know the hide is used for magic repelling suits. Its highly illegal to breed or trade though."

"What if I give it to you, sir? I killed it so legally its mine."

"Yes I suppose. I guess I would shred it. Use it myself….." He was looking between the boy and the giant snake.

"Is the hide any use to you?"

"Not really no."

"Could I make some Armor out of it and then you use the rest?"

The potions master nodded. "Harry I've noticed that your quite different to most of my other students. Harry I've done my damnedest not to ask but killing….." He paused. "And then just giving it to me."

Harry smiled at the older man. "I don't have much use for it and it'll start to rot. Best to have it useful. Its thousands of years old. Bit of a waste don't you think."

Severus shook his head. "I'll cut the hide and I've got an acquaintance that could prepare it for you. But Harry listen here; If anything else strange happens I think I'm going to want some answers." The professor spoke seriously.

"Yes sir. Well Merry Christmas. Call me when you need to get down here again…"

"Harry where have you been, your session ended an hour ago." Hermione asked as she moved away from the practice area. There were a huge group of people in the DACC now.

"I was speaking to professor Snape."

"About the monster Snake?" Oliver still wasn't happy with him. He was dealing; just slowly. He needed time to process what he had been told.

"Yeah he's going to give me the scales to make some vests and use the rest."

"Waste not, want not." Fred smiled from the corner. "Hey Harry." Harry turned to the boys. "Bill's coming over for Christmas this year. Hope you don't mind."

"Really cool. Haven't seen him in ages."

"Harry." Luna skipped over. "Remember you haven't met him yet."

"Oh crap. Thanks Luna."

"No problem." She smiled. "Did you get me it?"

"Indeed I did. One scale from the king of snakes." Harry presented the scale to the girl.

"Thanks Harry." She hugged the boy and ran over to Genevieve.

"Why did she want a scale?"

"Preox Charm. They're only scared of one thing- snakes. If you wear a scale from the king of snakes, they won't want to be in ten feet of you." Soon Harrys friends would learn not to ask. "They also repel normal bog standard spiders. Preox's are a type of spider."

Ron looked up at Harry; he would ask later. "Want to go and check on Draco?" Ron asked. "Aren't they letting him out today?"

"Tomorrow." Hermione corrected. Mr Malfoy had some mature mandrakes shipped into the school specifically to revive his son. "They're all going home for the holidays. Draco's dad insisted."

"I'll bet he tried to make the Ministry force Dumbledore to resign." Seamus sighed.

"We'll he's proved there will be no more attacks." Harry nodded. "He's safe." Well he hoped anyway.

Harry was completely prepared to get on the train the next day. This was the first time he was leaving Hogwarts to go home. Yes he had visited friends for the Holiday but this was his home.

Draco only got one night back in the common room before he was heading home for Christmas.

"Maybe they feel bad?" Hermione suggested.

"Or maybe fathers angry that I was branded a blood traitor by Slytherin himself." Draco wanted to spend Christmas with his friends.

"You'll owl us if things get bad. We'll figure out a way to recue you." Ron told him.

"Thanks guys."

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