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The feast was magnificent. Snape still looked at Remus with loathing but Harry was going to speak to him soon. Hagrid went red as he was introduced as a teacher. Life was good for Harry Evans-Potter.

The new first years were introduced to the morning runs. Every, Gryffindor and Hufflepuff were out in the courtyard. Most of the Ravenclaws were there too. Still only two Slytherins. However so many people banding together made Harrys heart swell. And sweat; there was lots of sweat.

Harry headed up to Arithmacy with Hermione for the first class. It was on the second floor led by a very Stern Witch called Septima Vector. Harry sat between Hermione and A Hufflepuff boy from the DAC. The class work was difficult. Harry was happy to finally have a challenge but the charts were very complicated. He knew he would have to work pretty hard to keep up with his O's. Of course he always had Hermione to help him; it was her favourite subject last time.

"How was Divination?" Harry asked as they entered Transfiguration.

"Apparently Dean is going to die. He saw the grim."

"I saw that when I took Divination."

Ron when to argue. "Wait seer. Forget I said anything." It was a little strange to be referred to as a seer but his friends wouldn't let it up.

"Yup. She predicted my death and it took me what nine years." Harry laughed. "Tell him not to worry. Oh and by the way my Uncle Padfood will be wondering around the school this year. He's a giant black dog."

"Of course he is." Draco rolled his eyes; of course Harrys godfather looked like a grim. There was nothing normal about Draco's best friend was there. "We'll we all have magical creatures next."

"Yeah it's going to be great."

"So long as the book doesn't bite my hand off."

"Just stroke the spine."


Harry smiled. "It came with instructions, Stroke the spine and it will open."

"I didn't find instructions." Hermione complained. Harry shrugged. "You saw it in the future didn't you?"

"Well… ugg fine." Harry groaned. "Yes I did. Smart arse."

Hermione just laughed at him and stroked the spine of her book. It panted and opened lovingly for her. She smiled at the book and began reading the first page as she walked towards where the class was being held.

"Hey Malfoy." Blaise shouted across.

"Zabini. He's not a Malfoy any more. He's another Black Blood Traitor now." Theo told him as the Slytherin group caught up to them.

"Shut up."

"Great come back." Theo laughed.

"I am the heir of the Most Noble House of Black. The most powerful and influential pure blood house in England. I don't really think I need a comeback."

Blaise, Crabb and Goyal looked startled.

"You keep talking like that and you'll end up like your uncle." Nott shook his head.

"The first wizard to break out of Azkaban. He must be a bloody powerful Wizard to do that." Draco smiled. "I wouldn't mind being compared to someone like that."

Hagrid distracted them by beginning the class. Harry, Draco, Ron and Hermione all had their books open in front of them. Harry didn't even try to sneak Zana into this class. Something he did with many of his other classes. Some magical creatures might mistake her for food.

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