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Harry was exited for Hogsmeade that weekend. He was also nervous about the evening but he wouldn't dwell on that for now.

Hermione had a list of things they needed for the transformations; and Ron had a list of sweets he wanted. Everyone had somewhere they wanted to go the most.

"Harry are you coming?"

"Okay." Harry lifted his cat into his bag ready to leave.

"Do you have to take her everywhere?" Hermione asked.

"Yes; I do." Harry defended. "Would you leave your baby at home?"

"I have no baby and neither do you." Hermione shook her head.

"How dare you?" Harry held the large cat close to his face. "She's my baby. Doesn't she look like me."

"Fat and Hairy."

"Roooon! Hermione called my baby fat." A group of first year girls began giggling. Soon much of the common room was laughing.

"Come on guys." It was the twins. "You'll be late." They began pushing the four third years out common room.

Harry handed his Hogsmeade slip to Professor McGonagall. She looked as if she wanted to say something to him but turned to Draco to take his slip instead.

"What was that about?" Hermione asked as perceptive as ever.

"She just wanted to warn me about Sirius Black."

"Harry?" Draco asked as they became to head down to the town. "I know he's my uncle, cousin or something. He was in Azkaban are you sure he's safe?"

"Second cousin once removed." Harry corrected. "And Draco there are very few people in this world I trust more than Sirius Black."

"I was thinking we go to Honeydukes first." Ron suggested.

"Sure but can we go to the Three broomsticks last." Harry asked.

"I want to go to tomes and scrolls." Hermione stated.

"I need to visit Spintwitches." Draco stated. "I want another jumper before it starts getting cold."

"Let's just go everywhere."

The first stop was the mail office. Harry sent a letter to his gran to tell her about his first few weeks back. He also sent a similar letter to his foster parents. He felt they deserved to know too. Hedwig was already on her way to pick up a parcel for him so she was out of commission.

They then crossed to Honeydukes and got sweets before Hermione forced them to go with her to the Hair Salon.

"You need female friends." Ron told her as he chewed on the end of a sugar quill.

"Why, I have you guys to come with me?" She placed her arms around Ron and Draco moving into the shop. It was a pleasant place but a touch too feminine Ron felt.

Draco sat beside Hermione deciding to have his hair trimmed. Ron and Harry sat in the waiting area. Draco came back to sit with them about fifteen minutes later; he didn't look very different at all. When Hermione returned her hair was only about an inch or so shorter. However, she had tighter curls now.

Harry himself dodged the hairdresser; he didn't want his hair shorter. He needed it longer; Bill Weasley had the right idea. Ron just hated people doing his hair; he barley let his mother do it.

They smiled at the witches in the shop and left to head to Tomes and Scrolles. Ron brought only one book, Harry and Draco two each, then Hermione brought four. They then went Scrivenshaft's and brought a couple of quills between them.

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