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Harry thought through what he had heard Mrs Weasley say to the twins. He wondered if they knew what they wanted to do yet; maybe their mother would disapprove.

Later that evening Harry nocked cautiously on the twin's door. Fred was the one who poked his head around the door.

"George its Harry."

"Hi guys. Can I talk to you two for a minuet?"

"Why?" Fred tilted his head upwards.

"I kind of need a small favour from you." The door was opened and Harry walked it. There were experiments everywhere; Harry tried to ignore them, chances were he didn't want to know what any of them were for.

"Here have Fred's chair." George sat Harry down. Fred placed himself on an empty piece of floor. "Like our room."

"It scares me."

"Okay; honest. I like it." Fred grinned.

"What was it you needed?"

"Didn't it make you feel bad when your mom told you to stop your pranks?" Harry asked them.

"A little but we'll figure something out."

"It's the only thing we want to do."

"Why Harry?" George asked.

"Well two reasons. I need something from you. Also I know what it's like to have people put you down."

"Harry we're big boys we can handle it."

"You're only a little older than me. Look I want you to do something for me."


"My dad brought this flat for my godfather. He brought it and the shop underneath. It's been vacant for almost twenty years. I thought maybe you could open a joke shop in it." Harry smiled carefully.

He wasn't planning on winning the Triwizard tournament and the Weasleys didn't take charity. He needed to take this delicately. Harry needed the twins to say yes; it would be a crime to deny the world of the twins' business skills.


"Yeah. You'd have to wait until I'm fifteen but you can open a shop there and I'll fund it and pay you if you run it for me."

"Like managers?"

"More like co owners; product developers and such. I'll just own the building. You two can do the hard work. I'll just stand there and look pretty." Harry smiled; making himself look as if he was trying to be pretty.

Fred laughed and George smiled. "That's amazing but why?"

"Well it seems like the perfect career for you and I kind of need something else from you."

"Go on?" Fred asked his laugh dropping.

"The Marauders Map." Harry told them.

"How do you know about that?" George asked looking the boy up and down.

"Please Guys." Harry begged.

There was a long pause; Harry wouldn't be surprised if the twins had a physic connection.

"Fred?" George nodded and they passed the map over.

Harry turned away holding the map in front of his face. He took a deep breath.

"Hi Dad." The Weasleys turned to look over Harrys shoulder as the words appeared.

"Mr Prongs greats his son; telling him he looks very much like his mother. He would also like to add how proud he is of his son."

"Mr Padfoot would like to tell his godson happy birthday and would like to note he has gotten very tall since they last saw each other."

"Mr Moony says hello to Harry and tells him that he is very impressed with his choice of friends."

"Mr Wormtail will add that he would like Harry to tell the twins how impressed the Marauders are with them."

"Bloody fricking Hell." The twins gasped. "Prongs is James Potter."

"Mr Prongs would like to complement the Weasley twins for taking so long to figure that out but is impressed with how much they care for his son."

"Mr Padfoot would like to implore the Weasley twins to guess who each of the other misters are but will tell his godson not to help the young geniuses."

"Mr Moony would like to add that he agrees with Mr Padfoot; the twins are very creative and have greatly impressed him."

"Mr Wormtail would like to add that the twins are ginger."

"Mr Prongs would like to tell Mr Wormtail not to insult his son's friends."

"Mr Wormtail understands and thus apologises to the twins."

"Holy Hell."

"Harry why didn't you tell us he was your dad!"

"I just did."

"Mr Prongs would like to say; you tell them son."

"Thanks dad."

"Mr Moony would also like to inquire as to why the twins believe it makes much difference?"

"Because it's cool." They exclaimed at the writing.

"Mr Padfoot agrees that he is cool."

"Mr Prongs would like to inform Mr Padfoot he has a very big head."

"Mr Padfoot would like to remind Mr Prongs that he chased a girl far out of his league for six years."

"Mr Prongs would like to further remind Mr Padfoot that he did in fact marry that girl thus making his argument invalid."

Harry took a further deep breath. Here was the reason he wanted the map in the first place. To talk to his father. "Dad could you tell me what mom was like?"

"Mr Prongs will tell his son that Lily Evens was a very smart Witch. He adds that he is glad that his son had her eyes and not his own; He would not have liked those eyes to have be lost."

"Mr Moony wishes to tell Harry how kind Lily Evens was. She always saw the best in everyone, she was very open minded and she didn't discriminate. Mr Moony was very fond of Miss Evens..."

"Mr Wormtail agrees with Mr Moony and tells the Young Prongs that Miss Evens trusted very easily."

"Mr Padfoot would like to inform his godson that Miss Evens was the best woman that Mr Padfoot had ever met and was overjoyed when Mr Prongs married her. He loved the woman like a sister."

"Harry do you know how to use the map?" George asked the boy who wouldn't tear his eyes away from the parchment.

"Yes." Harry nodded; he was getting a little choked up.

"Okay. I guess its rightfully yours."

"You can borrow it when you like just please let me have it."

Both twins nodded. "All you had to do was ask; you didn't have to bribe us. We can see how important it is to you."

"It wasn't bribery." Harry turned away from the map and smiled at the boys. "I want you two to have a chance at a career. Think of it as every birthday and Christmas present for the next three years."

"Deal." Fred spoke quickly shook the boys hand.

"Thanks Harry."

"Actually I should be the one thanking you." Harry grasped the map to his chest.

"No problem." The twins both just grinned. "So tell us; what's Olivers house like? I bet there are Quidditch posters everywhere.

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