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"Harry may I speak with you a moment." Professor McGonagall was waiting outside of the great hall for him. It was the last day and they were all getting their results back today.

"Yes Professor."

"When you get off the train your gran will be picking you up. You will be staying with her a few days. Until the ministry is finished conducting the final interviews for your new guardians."

"Do you know who it will be?"

"No, sorry Harry. Professor Dumbledore will bring them to your Grans house in a few days."

"Okay thank you, professor."

The professor smiled carefully at him as he walked away.

Harry walked into the great hall to sit by his friends. Then the owls came in to deliver the results to every student.

Some students opened theirs as quickly as possible. Others staled not wanting so see the inside.

"O's yeah." Ron punched towards the ceiling.

"See what did I tell you- you can do a lot when you study."

"Hermione I love you; don't ruin my buzz." Ron grinned; he had studied like hell with his friends. Now had the results that justified all that wasted time. Well he guessed wasted was the wrong word. "What did you two get?"

"O's." Draco held up his piece of paper.

"Same as you guys." Harry smiled though he wondered if time travel counted as cheating; probably not as the Quill didn't pick it up. It must have counted as studying.

It wasn't long before everyone was getting on the train. Ron was trying to hide from his brothers; they were teasing him for being the nerd of the family. Zana was sleeping in Harrys lap as they ate their sweets. All to soon they were at the train station. Harry didn't want to say good bye to his friends just yet.

"We'll all write wont we?" Hermione asked looking between the four boys. Harry, Ron, Draco and Neville all nodded.

"Of course we will." Harry assured her. "I'll have to tell you who I end up with."

"Well you'll tell me in person." Ron nudged his arm with a grin.

"I hope so."

Draco spotted his mother waiting by the Nott family. "Well I've got to go."

Hermione hugged him. "Good luck with your dad Draco."

"Yeah mate good luck." Ron told him fist bumping his arm.

"I'll write you all." He said as he dragged his trunk and owl towards Narcissa Malfoy.

"Mum. Mum did you get the toilet seat!" Fred and George ran past to their mother.

"Boys." She hugged them tightly; ignoring their -what she hoped was a- joke. "I've missed you all so much."

"Hi mum; this is Harry and Hermione." Ron introduced the two friends who were left.

"Nice to meet you both."

"Hello Mrs Weasley." Hermione shook her hand.

"I've heard so much about you both."

"Thank you for the Jumper Mrs Wealsey both Draco and I love them. I wore mine most of the winter." Harry told her honestly. He genuinely loved his jumper and was sure Draco did too.

"It's no problem at all Harry."


"Gran." Harry waved the woman over. "Guys this is my gran Arabella Figg. Gran this is Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and Neville Longbottom. Mrs Weasley gave me the green jumper I showed you. This is Fred, George, Percy and Ginny."

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