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Harry looked around the Woods garden; Lee had prepared a Wizard style BBQ. Hermione was there with all the Weasleys; Bill and Charlie included. Draco, Sirius and Remus were present as where the whole Quidditch Team. The Quinnin Girls and Luna were there with Oliver's Friend Peter and the Diggorys. The garden looked full to bursting.

"Oy Sparks. Get over here we're having a picture." Draco called.

"That name is not going away is it?"

"Nope." Ron agreed. The four of them crouched into a pose for the camera. It wasn't long before everyone was joining in.

"Oliver don't make me; I look awful." Gwen argued.

"If this is awful then nothing can compare to your beauty."

"Oh shut up." The girl blushed.

"I think you look beautiful."

Harry smiled, he never knew Oliver was in love like that. With Gwendolyn Quinnin; she was an up and coming singer. She would become far more popular when she joined with her sister. One of the few people Harry distinctly remembered survived as long as he did. They moved to America. They planned to make it big in the wizarding world out there.

Half way through the pictures Molly shook her head at her eldest son.

"Bill your hair is getting so long. I could-"

"No mum." Bill rolled his eyes.

"I like Bill's hair Mrs Weasley." Harry complemented.

Bill smiled. "I like your hair too Harry." Harry gave him a returning smile. His hair was now past his shoulders; he was able to tie it back if he needed to. He had gotten rid of hid glasses; having his hair in his face would make the whole thing a moot point. It may show off his scar but people were going to stair at it no mater what.

"Thanks I've been growing it for a few years now."

"If you ever want to learn how to braid it just ask."

"You can do that?"

"Come on."

"Hey Guys can I have a favour?" Harry asked the twins.

"What happened to your hair?!"

"Bill braided it for me."

Both red heads keeled to the floor laughing. "Oh wizarding god." They began wheezing.

"Does it look bad?"

"Not really." George admitted. "He's been braiding Ginny's hair for most of her life. Mum thought he would grow up to be a hair stylist or something."

"So my favour?"

"Go on."

"No wait brother." Fred contradicted. "On one condition."

"I can still hold back the deed to Weasleys Wizarding Wheezes."

"Just play the game." Fred complained.


"You have to guess us apart."

"Fred, George." Harry pointed to each boy and smiled. "Was I right?"



"Harry such language."

"Can you put a bet on for me?" Harry asked finally.

George rolled his eyes from his brother's previous comment. "Gladly."

"Thanks George." Harry grinned. "You don't mind me telling you the result?"

"Its fine Sparks."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Ron told you about the sparking problem didn't he?"

"Who else?" Fred laughed at the look on Harry's face.

"Okay here's the money. Can you put it one for Ireland to win but Viktor Crum catching the snitch?"


"You guys can have half a cut. Between you; for this."

"You're a Saint Harry."

"I know."

Mrs Weasley stayed at home for the world cup match. As did Genevieve, Narcissa, Remus, Mrs Diggory and most surprisingly Katie Bell.

Harry sat with the Weasleys, Hermione, Draco, Sirius and Luna. Oliver sat a few stands up with Gwen, Peter and the rest of the Quidditch team. Cedric and His father were sat in another stand.

Harry glanced down and could see Eleanor on the pitch with a few other mediwizards.

Harry just sat back as the Vela moved across the pitch. Only Himself, Arthur, Sirius and the girls were unaffected.

Harry heard a couple of ouches from around him. Woman hitting or nudging their male partners. Harry recognised one of them as Gwen. So Oliver was in trouble too.

Harry had brought tones of Irish merchandise and given loads of Omnioculars down his row of friends. As the game went on Harry wondered why Luna had asked to come. She looked very board; she just sipped her drink and glanced around the stadium. That distinct dottiness she held around her was as strong as ever. She was dressed up nice today; or at least she matched her dress with the exact green on her radish earrings.

"Are you okay Luna?" On the other side of Harry Draco was engrossed. Sirius behinds him was in a similar state.

"Oh yes wonderful."

"You don't seem to be having a good time?"

"Oh I don't care to much for Quidditch. I wanted to be here with you all and I am." She smiled. "You seem to be a bit distant too Harry?"

"I guess I am. I've seen this before. It does lose a bit of the excitement."

"Yes, I suppose it would." They both looked down at the game. "I can see the appeal, fast paced and exiting." Luna admitted. "I prefer the Hogwarts matches though. Then I have a reason to root for someone. Because I know you all."

"Ah I get it."

"How has your holiday been Harry?"

"Same as always. What about you?"

"My dad took me to interview a few people for the Quibbler. That was a lot of fun."

"It sounds it."

At that point Ginny, who was the other side of Luna, jumped up and shouted at one of the Irish players. She used language that a second year girl should not know. Then again considering who she had for brothers it wasn't all that surprising.

"Are you excited about the party this year?"

"What?" Harry tilted his head at her.

"We have to by dresses or dress robes. It's obvious there's going to be some sort of party. Did you see one?"

"The yule ball. A Christmas ball."

"It sounds wonderful."

"It is, lots of dancing though." Harry told her.

"I don't like dancing very much."

"Neither do I." Harry told her and looked out onto the field. "Would you like to go with me Luna?"

Harry didn't know what came over him. He was fond of Luna yes. She was the person closest to him; they were more similar than anyone he had met. He loved her but was it romantic. He wasn't so sure what his feelings were any more.

"I'd like that Harry." She smiled at him; looking just the same as she did before.

"I'll get some dress robes."

Less than a second later the stadium exploded; Ireland win 170 to 160. Viktor held up the snitch. Everyone had something to celebrate about.

The twins grabbed Harry and hugged him. They celebrated.

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