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"I don't know who to ask!" Draco exclaimed, dropping his head.

Hermione was absent, but Harry and Ron were with him outside. The trees were almost leafless now, and the boys were all wearing their cloaks.

"Isn't their anyone you like?" Harry asked.

Draco shook his head. "Not really, no. There are girls that are nice, but not like you and Luna."

"George asked Angelina." Ron suggested. "He doesn't really, really like her. They're just on the Quidditch team together."

"And Ginny's going with Neville." Harry told him.

"She's what!" Ron questioned.

"She can't go unless she goes with someone older. Luna wouldn't be able to go if she wasn't dating me."

"But Neville?"

"It's just as friends, Ron." Ron blew air out and it made a small cloud.

"Maybe I should ask, Genevieve?" Draco wondered. "She can't go right. She would probably say yes."


"Yeah I'll ask her. Why don't you ask Fray, Ret?"

Ron shook his head and pulled Mandy from his robes. The blue toad was happy to sit in Ron's warm hands. "I don't like her. She's a bit weird, you know?"

"Ron, you think all girls are weird."

"Nah it's not like with Luna; she's nice. I don't like her."

Harry looked at Ron. "Was it because of the Diary?"

"I don't know. Maybe." Ron told them honestly. "I just don't like her. I wouldn't tell Ginny that, but I don't." He shrugged. "I'll find someone."

"Guys, Guys." Hermione came running down. Emerald the rat was clinging to her shoulder for dear life.

"Hey, Kin, where's the fire?" Draco asked.

"Viktor asked me to the Ball. Me…." She grinned and slipped down. Emerald eased herself into a safer position.

Harry smiled. "I don't know why you're surprised."

"Well, it's just…"

"Congratulations Kin." Draco nodded to her.

She smiled. "Thank you, Farsight." She nudged Draco's side with a wide grin. "Have you decided on anyone?"

"I was thinking of asking Genevieve; she can't go if she's not with someone in our year, right?"

"Do you like her?"

"Well no, I was thinking as friends and stuff."

"Don't ask her." Hermione told him.

"Why not?" Draco didn't feel like he had many options after Her.

"She has a crush on Ron."

"What on me? Why?"

Harry shrugged off his cloak and place it on Hermione's shoulders. "Here, Kindle."

"Thanks." She was glowing and didn't complain. "She likes you because you have red hair. Girls have types Ronald."

"My hair? Is that a thing?" Hermione shrugged with a smile. "God girls are Weird. Mental they are. All of them." Hermione just laughed.

Harry and Draco were walking to Runes with Zana following at their heels. "Harry!" A female voice called from behind them.

"Oh, hey Lavender."

"I need to ask you something?"


"Umm I was wondering if you wanted to go to the ball with me."

"I already have a date Lavender."

"Yeah well, I thought…."

"You know he's dating Luna, right?" Draco demanded. Harry looked at him in an attempt to calm the other boy down.

"Yeah, I sort of…." She started, dismissively.

"Don't girls have some kind of code; don't move in on someone taken. Guys wouldn't dare do that. Not decent guys anyway."

"Dray, Calm down." Draco just looked at Harry. "I'm taken Lavender. Sorry. Seamus and Dean don't have dates."

"Yeah, well."

"Sparks, we'll be late for Runes." Draco began to drag Harry away.

"You coming, Farsight mate? Bye Lavender."

Hermione was outraged. "She did what? Everyone knows he's dating Luna. He doesn't shut up about it! You don't move in on another girl's man. That's disrespectful. Luna should clout her one!"

"Woah." The boys took a step back. Hermione looked Violent.

"It's not on. I should give her a piece of my mind."

"It was nothing Hermione; I said no."

"Have you told Luna?"

"No, why?"

"You should tell Luna." Hermione instructed. "She needs to know."

"Even if I said no?"

"Especially- well, no…." She shook her head. "Yes even if you said no. I would start with that."

Ron made a sound. "Umm guys, I've been thinking about it. Maybe I should ask Genevieve. Do you mind, Farsight?"

"No, go for it."

"I won't if you don't want me to."

"Nah Ree, its fine. I'll ask Fray. That way all the girls can go."

"That's sweet Draco." Hermione agreed.

AN- See you next week. Give hugs and Rainbows to Celran and remember Reviews fuel my ego. ~ T.I.A

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