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"Umm Harry why do you have a dog?" Oliver asked as most of the common room filtered in after the feast.

"This is Padfoot. Isn't he cute?" Padfoots eyes narrowed at the boy. The twins narrowed their eyes at the name.

"I thought you were a cat person?" Fred asked.

Oliver just shook his head. "I want to know how the hell you got a dog."

Harry smiled. "I am. I'm sitting him for Professor Lupin."


"Well Professor Lupin is my Uncle Remus. He's not well at the moment. So I'm looking after Padfoot here. Just until he's better."

"Oh…" Oliver looked to the left. "I never knew that."

"Yeah. Remus was one of my father's friends. Padfoot was in my house all the time when I was a baby. Weren't you?" Padfoot shook his tail dutifully. "I think he used to be my dad's dog. There's hundreds of pictures of him when they were in Hogwarts. Padfoots actually the reason students can't have dogs anymore." This was true; James Potter had pretended that Sirius was his pet so the dog could run riot in the halls.

"Aww he's sweet." Ginny patted the dog on the head.

"Padfoot this is Ginny Weasley." Padfoot licked her hand and the girl laughed. People began to stroke the dog; Harry noticed that Sirius was basking in the human contact. It must have been so long.

"Does he know any tricks?" Dean asked and tried it. "Sit." Sirius seemed to sigh as he sat down. "Lie down." Sirius did that too.


"Hey boy jump?" Sirius jumped into the air actually enjoying that one. "High five." Dean grinned. "He's great. Huge though."

"German Shepard I think." No one really questioned the dog's presence in Hogwarts as he supposedly belonged to Professor Lupin. Well not taking into account; Ron, Draco and Hermione. They just knew. The twins on the other hand were very curious.

Harry knocked on Remus's office door. It was very early that Sunday; of course Tuesday was the full moon.

"Come in Severus."

"Uncle Remus its me." Harry walked into the office. It was simple and functional. There was a single photo of Remus's parents on the desk and a clock on the wall. The clock also gave the moon cycles though it wasn't like Remus would ever forget.

"Oh Harry I don't think you should be in here." Remus didn't look great. Harry hadn't really expected him to.

"I know; I just want to introduce you to someone."


"This is Padfoot."

Remus stood up and looked at the dog. Memories flashing before his eyes. "Sirius." Harry closed the door and Padfoot became Sirius Black.

"Hey Moony." The voice was sad but the two men hugged tightly. A reunion they never expected to be able to have.

"Are you okay; you shouldn't be here? Why? Are you sure it's safe?"

"Professor; I've told Gryffindor that Padfoot is your dog." Harry told him. "That I'm watching him whilst you're not well."

Remus tilted his head but nodded. "You're saying Sirius?"

"If you want me too."

"Of course I do. I just worry; dementors are everywhere."

Sirius smiled softly at his old friend. "I'll be safe as Padfoot." He promised.

"Tell me everything Padfoot. Harry told me your innocent."

"Yeah. It was Peter."

"He told me too."

"Prongs son a seer." Sirius smiled at Harry. "Wouldn't have guessed it."

"Lily's boy though."

"Yeah I can see that."

"I'm right here guys."

"We know Harry." Remus nudged him. "Come on let's have something to eat and drink. I don't suppose you've had breakfast."

"Yeah and you can tell me about this gran of yours."

"Okay." Harry sat beside the fire. "When my parents died I was taken to my aunt and uncle's."

"What!" Sirius complained. "Who the hell put you with that woma-" Sirius stopped. "Wait. I heard from your mother how terrible her sister was…. Is that true?"

"Yes. She was horrible to me. Professor Dumbledore thought I would be safe away from the wizarding world; in a way I was. I was taken away from them last year. There was a trial and everything. I live with the Woods now they're great."

"I remember Lee Wood. He was Quidditch captain in our first year." Sirius mentioned; James loved Quidditch just as Harry still did. "Who'd he marry?"

"Her names Eleanor."

"Eleanor Elting. God I had the hugest crush on her in first year." The wizarding world was a surprisingly small place.

Sirius laughed weekly at his friend. "And second year, and third year, and forth year and fifth year."

"Okay Sirius I get it." Remus laughed back. "She was a very beautiful girl, I liked her. She was the year above us."

"Eh she was alright."

"Shut up Sirius."

"Did you have a crush uncle Sirius?"

"Nah… dating isn't my thing."

"Is there a reason?" Sirius shrugged.

"He's never been interested in anyone have you Padfoot. Or at least he was secretive about it."

"I never really felt it was necessary. Everyone was talking about girls and stuff. I didn't need to date to make me Happy. Friends were good enough."

"Fair enough." Harry nodded finding parallels with Sirius Black and Charlie Weasley.

"What about you pup." Sirius looked happier now. "Do you have someone in mind?"

"There's two girls I think about a lot. I don't know yet though."

"Miss Granger?" Remus asked.

"Oh no. She's my sister." Harry grinned. "I love her but no."

The two men smiled. "Hey." Sirius cut in. "You haven't told me about your Gran."

"I haven't heard much about her either." Remus agreed. "Was she related to your aunt or uncle?"

Harry dropped his head with relief. "No… no. She not related to me at all. She started as a kind lady living down the street. She fed me and looked after me as often as she could. She made me feel normal for a while and gave me Zana. My baby." The cat in question was still in the Gryffindor common room having a nap by the fire.

Sirius smiled at that. "I think I owe your gran very much."

"I still see her a lot. Lee and Eleanor are good to me. Oliver's amazing. It feels like I've known him forever." Harry smiled. "So any stories about you guys I haven't heard yet."

Sirius answered. "Do you know your dad had a crush on your mother since the first train to Hogwarts? Your father and I hadn't met Remus or Peter yet. We met them in the common room." Remus smiled to himself at that memory.

"We were in a carriage and this pretty little red headed girl came in with her 'brother' Severus. Asked if she could sit with us. James said yes right off and seemed fascinated when she was talking about the muggle world." Sirius talked about all James' endeavours to try and get Lily to notice him. Most of them were the bullying of Severus Snape.

"It wasn't the best idea but it did work. Eventually." Remus sighed. "Wow look at the time. You should get to Lunch Harry

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