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Harry went to bed early on Christmas Eve. Harry had had and even better holiday than the one in his memories. Draco and Ron got along like a house on fire- Draco was the only person who even had a chance of giving Ron a challenge at chess. They were some of the most entertaining chess matches he had ever seen although Ron hadn't lost yet.

Harry was woken up by the wildest looking Draco Malfoy Harry had ever seen. "Wake up Evans, I want to open presents!"

"Go 'way Dray." Harry growled at Draco's repetitive pleases. "Okay I'm up." He eventually stated, after Draco dragged him out of bed by the arm. Harry couldn't help but laugh at the exited blonde. Draco and Ron pulled him down the stairs were The twins were pacing and Percy was looking a little board.

"We've woken him up."

"Seriously Harry, you get up early every day of the year but Christmas you want to sleep in." George shook his head and Harry just smiled.

"Come on, let's open our presents." Draco sat down beside his pile of presents and began opening the gifts from his parents. They had bought him mostly clothes and sweets. Draco just smiled to his friends and pushed them to the side.

"Oh my god- George." Fred lifted the broom from the packages. "Twigger Jets- thanks Harry." Both twins had matching brooms.

"How do you know they're from me?"

"You have a problem."

Draco opened mostly sweets from his parents- he got some clothes. Apparently he got all the things he usually had.

Harry rummaged through his pile to find the present from Mrs Weasley.

"Oh god, mum made you a Weasley Jumper." Fred laughed.

"Both of them." Harry and Draco held matching green jumpers; Harry instantly lifted his over his head.

"Mum makes us a jumper every year. Mines always marron." Ron told them showing off the jumper.

"Your mother made this? For me?" Draco looked shocked as he looked at the well-made clothing. "I've never had something made for me before."

"Really?" Ron asked but Draco just shrugged as he opened his present from Harry. "Oh my god." He grinned as he took out the Clear Diamond chess piece set and Draco got a matching Black Diamond set. "Harry really?!"

"Unbreakable. Charmed." Harry shrugged.

"I've never held anything so expensive." When it was Draco who spoke the Weasleys looked down at the pieces with concern.

"No, it's no- it's nothing. You're both good at chess. I wasn't sure what else to get you anyhow." Harry turned away- he wanted the best for his friends. They would be in so much danger in the future, he wanted to do things like this for them.

"You really have a problem." Ron laughed and packed his pieces carefully away.

Harry also brought Percy a sliver plated cage for his owl; the prefect thanked him politely. He sent Hermione her new book voucher; Neville received a book from Harry '1001 Careers in Herbology that aren't Herbologist'; then both Seamus and Dean were given a pack of playing cards with moving pictures on all the individual cards; self-shuffling and anti-cheating charms.

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