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Harry was a little annoyed.

Madam Pomphrey had insisted that Harry see a mind healer. Not that Harry didn't respect the profession but did he really need one. According to the professors and Mrs Figg; yes, he did.

She was a nice lady the mind healer; a muggle born witch by the name of Abigale Hale. She finished Hogwarts then studied Phycology at Muggle University before Training at St Mungo's.

However, Harry found it completely unnecessary. She noticed that Harry was unhappy but wasn't discouraged. He had to go every week now; she would come to him in the holidays. There was really no escaping her.

It didn't help at all with his impending trial. He was worrying himself sick; he didn't really want to face the Dursley's on the stand. He knew he would have to but what would happen to him after that. At least Voldemort was gone for now. He was lucky his friends didn't hate him after what he put them through; it was actually the opposite. Hermione was bragging about placing the dark lord in a full body bind. Of course the whole school already knew long before she had even mentioned it.

"Harry it'll be okay." Hermione hugged him; he had just gotten back from his meeting with Abigale Hale.

"I know, I know. Would you watch Zana for me?"

"She'll be fine with us Harry." Hermione insisted.

"I hate them so much."

"So do we mate." Ron encouraged. "You know you never told us what your nightmare was about."

"Ronald." Hermione scolded.

"It was a memory Ron. I remembered this one time that my uncle was hitting me with a metal pipe. I was about six, it was just after I turned my teacher's hair blue. I didn't know how I did it; but…" Harry just shrugged as he lied. It was a memory but a half lie. He had been beaten after turning his teacher's hair blue but his nightmare was one of the future. He was beaten nearly to death when he was almost fifteen; he hadn't even known what his uncle was angry at.

"Destroy them Harry." Draco gripped his friends shoulder. "Make them suffer."

"I just want this over Dray."

"All you have to do is tell the truth." Hermione told him. "And they'll never be aloud within a hundred feet of you ever again."

Professor Snape was bringing him to the Ministry. Professor McGonagall needed to be at the School as Dumbledore was already at the ministry. Harry felt restricted in the dress robes but followed dutifully.

"You're Gran will be there Harry." Professor Snape told him. "I will try to stay too. Although Professor McGonagall may have to call me in."

"Thank you Professor."

"It's no trouble Harry. I just hope you put them away."

"Everyone says that."

"We're all on your side Harry." Harry just nodded and let the professor lead him into the crowd of Aurors. The Journalists had gotten wind of this story and were waiting for him.

He was led straight through to the chamber with the professor. There wasn't a large amount people in the chamber for this trial. The professor sat next to Mrs Figg. Harry smiled over at her and she gave a comforting nod back; a nod that said that she was here for him.

One of the Aurors led Harry to his own seat. Professor Dumbledore was his juvenile council. His job was to ensure an eleven-year-old wasn't on trial by himself.

A man stood up and began to speak into a self-writing quill. "Trial name: Wizard Child abuse by Muggle (non-magic) Personal guardians. Victim name: Harry James Potter; preferred name Harry James Evans-Potter. Guardian names: Vernon Andrew Dursley and Petunia Jane Dursley."

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