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Harry was sat in a cave, with just over thirty people, at a round table. The stone floor was bare and the walls jutted out, still needing work. The table, on the other hand, was simple, but neat, and perfect for its use, the chairs were simple but at least were cushioned. It had already gained bumps and knocks from movement and Weasley twins.

"So Potter, what you got planned for us then?" Alistor Moody still sat beside Tonks who was stuck next to Severus. Everyone in the room was wrapped up in warming charms or Weasley Jumpers, 25 feet underground it was cold.

"Right, yes." Harry clasped his hands together, they were quite cold. He took a breath, before putting a serious face on. "Sorry for bringing you down here, into the cold. However, I find it comforting. The house is warded, and this cave more so. "

"It does feel safe down here." Bill agreed, he had been in charge of the wards, so maybe he was bragging.

"Safety is necessary we are at war."

"We know kid." Alistor tilted his head.

"Yes. I just needed to say it. No one here can have delusions. In war, People will die. People in this room will die." Harry said, the memories of these events were nestled in a pensive case; yet he could still feel the ghost of those memories in the back of his mind. "I have one million galleons set aside to be used by anyone who wants to leave. I have already helped a couple flee to America…" He trailed off, sighing. "But that is irrelevant right now. Soon, Dumbledore will find us." There were some uncomfortable movements. "And before I say anything more, I'm sorry for those of you who feel split loyalties to Dumbledore and I. Truly. I wanted to start with that and illiterate for some of you exactly why I encouraged leaving him." Harry looked around at the room of people listening closely to him. "I haven't explained myself much. And that worries me. People follow Albus Dumbledore with very few questions. The man is not all powerful, and I am not all seeing. Don't ever believe I can see what is going to happen. But do believe me, when I say that there will be a war."

"Alright Harry, but what are we going to do about it." Percy asked, he had already passed on a large amount of information about the ministry. "Without Dumbledore..." He made a face. "He'll be against us."

"Not quite." Luna was playing cat's cradle. The Ravenclaw needed to keep her hands moving. "He'll be joining us soon."

"Are you sure, my Moon?" Luna's father asked. Luna nodded from beneath hooded eyes.

"Is that safe?" Cedric asked. He looked a little worse for wear, with burn marks all up his left side.

Harry nodded. "I don't have any reason for it not be. Albus Dumbledore is one of the most powerful Wizards in the world, and he would be a great asset to any side in any war." He took a moment's pause. "The man has been alive for over one hundred years. He is a good man but one set in his ways. He forgets that he is merely a man and one privy to mistakes at that. One man alone will not stop the storm that is coming. That is why I brought you all here. If we make mistakes here, in this room, we will have discussed them. Done all we can to ensure our decision is right. All options are considered. That is something one man alone cannot do. Especially one man so filled with fear."

"The last war took a toll on him." Alistor spoke; he agreed with the child. The boy's eyes were older than he had ever seen.

"It did on everyone." Sirius agreed solemnly.

"What should we do now?" Remus asked.

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