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The Defence club had a total of four Slytherins and most of them younger than Harry. However, Zack and his older sister- She was a fifth year- turned it into six.

Nothing much happened those next few months. Gryffindor won all their Quidditch matches. Harry had finally got the hang of Arthmacy. That was something to celebrate. He even got top marks in his Runes practice test. Harry was fond of runes; Draco was right about it being the most interesting Class at Hogwarts. Harry found the whole thing Fascinating.

In fact, nothing happened at all until there was a shout from the High table.

Everyone in the room turned to see Professor Remus Lupin- dancing. Well shuffeling happily on his seat.

Everyone exchanged looks. Lingering on the twins; no one would put it past them to have cursed a teacher.

"Harry I think I know why he's…. dancing." Hermione spoke and passed Harry Percy's newspaper.


'Sources within the ministry claim previous members of office denied Sirius Black his right to a trial. Did this man suffer for years without cause? Is he still guilty; or is he innocent?

As a result of the Sirius Black break out the minister went to look over the man's case file. What he found was nothing. Truly nothing. Sirius Black had no file. No Trial at all.

It seemed to be an open and shut case but with no trial how are we to know for sure.

Ministry member's claim outrage.

"Even the most evil and twisted of men deserve a trial. Even if the result is the same he still has the right to this." Amelia Bones.

"It is disgusting that they through him in a place like that without proof." Bartemius "Barty" Crouch, Sr.

"I am ashamed to know that ministry officials denied a wizard his human rights. Are we no better than muggles for such things?" Dolores Umbrage.'

Harry skimmed over the rest of the article.

"Sirius Black if you are out there and wish for a trial; the ministry believes it their duty to give you one. And maybe begin to rewrite an injustice." Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge. "We swear to give you the fair trial you should have been given years ago."'

Harry couldn't help but grin. Remus was sitting still again now but the grin on his face remained.

He passed the paper over to Ron and Draco. Percy just looked at him strangely. How was he supposed to have his breakfast without his paper?

"Hey Remus, Sirius." Harry greeted the pair as he entered the professors office.

"Hi Pup."

"Is that a suit?"

"I'm going to the ministry." Sirius hugged Harry. "I'll talk to you when I get back."

"You will get back right?"

"I'm innocent Harry." Sirius smiled supportively at the child.

"You could always hide here forever." Harry joked knowing there was no changing his mind.

"Then they'll think I'm guilty."

"Can I come?"

"No. Harry you have lessons." Remus told him.


"No Harry. I can't sanction you leaving." There was a seriousness in Remus' voice. Harry listened.

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