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"Welcome everyone. Last meeting of the year." Harry declared standing on his stage. "You have all progressed wonderfully this year." Some proud faces smiled up at him.

"Sadly, Some will be leaving our numbers this year." Harry reminded all of them. "I want to give you something to remind you that you always have a home here with us. You have all done so well and this will be the reward for your loyalty and dedication."

"Would all the seventh years approach the stage?" Hermione requested. Some students moved forward more eagerly than others.

"Oliver Wood." Hermione passed him a certificate. It read 'Oliver Wood Successful Graduate of Junior Phoenix Defence and Combat club. Golden Class.' It had each of the house mascots in each corner and an animated Phoenix instead of a signature. "Congratulations Oliver."

Harry moved forward to pin a badge to his robes. "Here. When you have this you will always find a friend with the Junior Phoenix's." Harry was very proud of his name for the club. The Junior Order of the Phoenix. Not that anyone would know that yet.

Oliver looked down at the badge. It was gold in the shape of a shield. It had a Phoenix engraved on it behind a wand and a sword.

"Oliver Wood Junior Phoenix Golden class. Well done Brother."

"Thanks' Harry."

"Gwendolyn Quinin. Junior Phoenix Gold Class."

"Kameron Good. Junior Phoenix Silver Class."

"Percy Weasley. Junior Phoenix Gold Class. Well Done Percy." Harry pinned the badge above his head boy badge. He had barely mentioned it all year. Well, defiantly not as often as Harry remembered.

"Thanks Harry."

"Remember Percy. If you don't turn your back on us. We will never turn our backs on you."

Harry signed many of the seventh years off with Gold Class badges. Only three got the Sliver Class; no one got Bronze Class that year.

"Congratulations all of you. I hope we have prepared you enough to succeed in the world. There are dark times ahead my friends. Keep a strong mind and a steady heart. Fight for your dreams and stay true to the light. I hope you all stay in touch. For the rest of you, I'll see you in September." Everyone smiled at him; some laughed at his speech.

As Harry closed the doors until September he silently asked the room to say for next year.

Oliver found Harry once everyone was on the train. His badge shined on his chest. The twins sat with Harry, Ron, Draco and Hermione.

"So how does it feel to be a free man?"

"No different actually." Oliver had now graduated Hogwarts and would soon have to look for a job.

"It'll start too. Especially when…. Never mind you'll find out."

"Tell me."

"No I don't want to ruin your excitement…"

"Your evil, you know that Harry. Evil." Oliver smiled.

Harry ignored that. "The world cup is coming up. Sirius offered us all tickets."

"My dad offered us tickets." Ron exclaimed. "He worked on the muggle side of the preparations so he gets them really cheap."

"We'll Harry will probably be coming with us." Oliver told them. "Moms one of the mediwitches at the game and Dad has to cheek the brooms. You know for spells and stuff."

"Wait both your parents are working on the world cup."


"So what about Hermione. Ron's going with his family, I'm going with Oliver, Draco's going with Sirius."

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