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Draco insisted on straightening everyone's robes and doing hairs. He was still obsessed with looking presentable.

"Harry please at least try to make your hair look decent."

"Draco My Girlfriend likes it like this." It was no secret that Harry loved lording the fact he had a girlfriend. He liked to brag about how amazing she was. The bliss of new love he supposed.

"Yes but your girlfriend is Luna Lovegood and she's bias." Draco moved in a huff. "Just tie it up Harry."

"Fine." Harry went to look for a brush or comb.

Beauxbatons and Durmstrang were about to arrive. Harry had planned on just dropping off his things and leaving. That was clearly unacceptable for Draco.

"Here Harry." Lavender handed Harry a plain black hair tie.

"Thanks Lavender." Harry pulled his hair back and glowered at Draco. He then wrapped his good cloak around his shoulders and persuaded Draco to leave everyone alone. For the first time in three years his hair was oiled back.

"We'll be late." Hermione and Lavender had matching Butterflies in their hair. Harry smiled and they headed down to meet the competitors.

Harry and Ron stood on the outside of Draco and Hermione. Neville was on Harrys left. They waited as dusk began to fall.

Harry looked up and pointed to his friends so they could see the flying carriage. "That's Beauxbatons from France."

"Woah." Some people gasped as the beautiful golden carriage landed. There were others that were a little nervous about the giant golden horses. Harry knew they were quite tame but you couldn't doubt their power.

Harry was still quite amazed as Madam Maxime proceeded gently down the steps. She was amazingly elegant for a woman her size. She looked stern and a little plain; though with such carefully calculated steps she alluded an aura of lady. Or maybe what was supposed to be a lady. Harry could almost see what Hagrid saw in her.

All her students came out with similar elegance. Harry easily picked out Fleur dressed in her Beauxbaton blue. Harry just imagined how happy she had made Bill; even if they hadn't lived very long.

Harry, like everyone else, watched them head up into the castle. He then turned to the black lake. Everyone who was friends with Harry turned in the same direction.

Harry watched still with the same fascination. The boat rose out of the water; completely dry. Harry was slightly less fascinated with the people who got off the boat. Covered in furs they were happier and less stuck up than their French counterparts.

"Come on." Harry pulled Draco's arm.

"Harry that's Viktor Krum."

"Yes I know- nice guy. Not the brightest of chaps but he's nice." Harry shrugged. "We need to get into the hall."

Harry sat them all in their seats. Dumbledore had split Dumstrang between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff; the Beauxbaton between Ravenclaw and Slytherin.

Harry spent the rest of the evening trying to persuade everyone not to batter Viktor with questions and autographs.

"Excuse me, do you want ze bouillabaisse?"

"Hi Fleur." Harry mentally kicked himself. He wasn't supposed to know her name. God he was an idiot sometimes.

"'ave we met?"


"Excuse my friend; he's a seer." Hermione insisted.

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