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Harry dressed for his Quidditch match. The weather was horrible but Slytherin had no reason not to play. The memory of Draco playing on an injured arm left a bitter taste in his mouth.

"Right Slytherin will be playing dirty." Oliver told them. "George I want you to be Harry's shadow. Fred I need you everywhere else."

"Don't worry Wood. Harrykins won't leave my sight." Fred put his arm over Harrys shoulder. The twins had been stalking Harry for a while. They were trying to determine the links between Padfoot the Dog and Padfoot of the map.


"What about us?" Asked Angelina.

"Do what you always do. Your plays are perfect the way they are."

"Aww he's flattering us." Katie smiled.

Harry lifted his broom up. The nimbus Two thousand and one was still a great broom. It handled just as well as the Firebolt; it did however lack slightly on agility and thrust power.

Haydon Ray was the new seeker this year. He was much smaller than the old one; more likely to be blown off course in this weather. Then again so was Harry.

Harry held onto his broom and looked over to his friends. Hermione stood between both Ron and Draco. All three of them were waving at him. Cheering for Gryffindor. In fact, most of the school was. Nearly everyone who joined the Defence and Combat club was supporting Gryffindor.

He smiled at Three Second year girls in Lion hats. He loved his friends.

George stayed true to Oliver and didn't leave Harrys tail. The Girls were amazing working fast; Quaffles through hoops. Unlike Slytherin; Gryffindor practiced in all weathers. Points were going up at the fastest rate they ever had.

As Harry flew passed he waved to Remus and Padfoot who was at his feet. Sirius wouldn't have come if Dumbledore had been present but he had work to do.

The energy on the Quidditch pitch was wonderful as Harry perused the tiny gold ball. Harry scooped up and down following on the snitches tail. Haydon was as close to Harry as George was.

Harry heard the clear thump of a Bluddger connecting with a bat as his fingers began to close around the snitch.

The metal was freezing in his fingers and Haydon's foot was sharp in his shoulder. Harry fell from his broom. Fifteen feet.

"HARRY!" A chorus of voice's saw Harry into unconsciousness.

He woke to see Madam Pomphrey holding his arm.


"Ah Harry." She smiled. "Nice to see you awake."

"I fell…"

"Yes. Very dangerous sport. Left arm and leg, both broken." She sighed. "Well you'll have a hard night but you'll be fine come morning."

"Thank you."

"Your brother is demanding he sees you. Drink this whilst I let him in."

Harry cringed at the taste as Oliver hurried in with the whole Quidditch team behind him. Madam Pomphrey looked outraged but just watched them from the distance.

"Harry are you okay?"

"Just a few broken bones Oliver."

"That was an amazing catch Harry." Fred grinned at the boy.

"Unbelievable." George shared the grin.

"So we won?"

"Won! We smashed them." George answered.

"We did." Oliver rolled his eyes.

"And an amazing win it was." Angelina smiled. "You alright though Harry."

"Yeah. I'm great." He told them. "Madam Pomphrey said I'll be fine by tomorrow."

"That's good." Oliver looked uncomfortable. "But you know…. Take your time….. getting better I mean."

"I'll be fine Oliver, Don't worry."

"That's good." Katie nudged the boys. "Come on guys let's leave Harry to rest."

"The girl is right. The boy needs rest." Madam Pomphrey shooed the children out.

"Get well soon Harry."

"That was brill Harry."

"Come on get some rest. I'll cheek on you in the morning." The mediwitch placed a small bowl of milk on the ground and put her finger to her lips.

Harry lay down to sleep. Ron, Hermione and Draco were probably annoyed they had missed visiting times.

"Harry. Harry."


"Yeah its me." Sirius leaned by his bed. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine Sirius."

"God Lily would have gone spare had she seen that."

"Hi Remus."

"Yeah well Prongs would have been so proud." Sirius spoke. "The second he found out you were fine of course." Harry smiled in the dark. "That was an amazing catch."

"Not my best. But not half bad."

"You father would turn over in his grave if you didn't pursue a Quidditch career."

"James Potter the spinning corpse." Harry spoke in a neural voice.

Both men gave a soft laugh. Harry didn't realise the effect it would have on them.

"What's the plan then Pup?" Sirius asked.

"I'm going to write books."

Remus looked shocked. "That's not a stable career Harry."

"And professional athlete is?"

"You're good though." The Boys godfather insisted.

"Sirius I just want a quiet life. I have enough money to live for a hundred thousand years."

"Yeah you do…"

"You know what. I think it's a great idea." Remus told him. "Come on Padfoot lets give the boy some sleep."
"Aww come on Remus not the lead." Sirius begged.

"If someone sees me I'm taking you for a walk."

"Awwww." He sighed. "Night Harry."

"Night Uncle Padfoot, Uncle Moony."

"Night Pup."

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