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Harry walked beside Draco with Ron and Hermione right behind them. He looked up with awe at the ceiling of the great hall with its candles floating suspended in the air. Even with only candles to light the room it was usually bright and inviting.

Harry smiled as they were brought up to the front of the hall. Professor McGonagall placed the sorting cap in front of the school and let it sing.

"When I read out your name, come up here and place the hat on your head." She waited a moment before unrolling a scroll. "Abbott, Hannah." The hat was placed on her head and once again she became a Hufflepuff.

Students were placed in their houses as Harry counted down the people. Everyone was going into the houses they were in before.

"Entwhistle, Kevin." He stepped up to be placed in Ravenclaw.

"Evans-Potter, Harry." Harry grinned and turned so his eyes landed on Snape ignoring the whispers that were going on around him. He tightened his Occlumency defences against him and the leach on the back of his dark arts professors head; this was something that came naturally since he had adopted the memories of the older Harry.

Harry had the hat placed on his head. "Hmm, how curious, these memories, have I sorted you before?'

'Technically yes. May I ask a favour?'

'That is not how it works, Harry.'

'Please, just look at my memories. See Draco's bravery, he saved my life so many times. Even just today in the train he defended me against his friends.'

'You're serious, aren't you?'

'He will become a brave man if you give him a chance and put him in Gryffindor with, me, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger.'

'Harry I can't place someone where they don't belong.'

'You let me persuade you to put me in Gryffindor… and you put Severus Snape in Slytherin where he really doesn't belong.'

'I can't.'

'He's ever so brave if he gets out from under his father. Draco will be so much better with us. Me, Ron and Hermione.'

"Gryffindor." The hat shouted so as to shut the boy up.

Harry smiled and walked over to the table where the Weasley twins were cheering. "We've got Potter."

He sat down and waved at Draco and Ron. Seamus was the next Gryffindor to join him followed by Hermione and Neville beside her.

Harry watched Draco as he walked up to the hat with significantly less confidence than the time he remembered. He sat carefully on the stool and the hat was placed on his head. Harry waited; it was taking forever.

"Gryffindor!" Then whisked off. Draco stood and turned back to the hat.

Harry cheered loudly so Draco would turn to him. He did and smiled, walking over to sit opposite his new friends. Dean Tomas followed Draco and Ron was the last to join them.

"So I guess we're friends now." Harry smiled; hoping the hat wouldn't tell Dumbledore anything he had seen in Harry's mind.

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