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Harry watched from the corner of the room as Fred and George led a class on stealth. They were teaching spells for disguises, hiding and escaping. They were the best at being secretive; no one could teach this better than they could.

Harry had never been the only person to teach his Defence Club. Lots of students stood up if they thought they knew something people could benefit from.

There was nearly two hundred student's in the club now. But not everyone came every day. Some people sat in the corners and did home work. Coaxing older years into helping them.

Oliver moved to sit next to Harry in the corner of the room. The younger boy seemed to be in deep thought. "Hey are you okay Harry?"

"I'm training them to be soldiers." Harry looked across at the full room. "I'm no better than Riddle… I just don't want you to die."

"Hey, Hey. Come on your worth a thousand of the dark lord. A million of him." Oliver insisted. "He trains people to fight for him. Your training us all to save our lives."

"I can't warn everyone. It just feels so wrong training children like soldiers."

"At least you're not standing back and letting us all die." Oliver nudged him. "Harry you're doing the right thing. I promise."

"I don't know."

"Everyone seems to be having a good time either way." Oliver fake laughed.

"Yeah I know."

"We all want to be here Harry. We've chose this for ourselves."

"Thanks Oliver."

"No problem." There was a long pause; Oliver knew Harry was stull struggling. "Are you ready for a match against Slytherin next week?"

"We'll crush them; we always do."

"That's the spirit."

Harry sat dutifully in Professor Snape's Defense Class. He missed Lupin but these classes weren't bad. Too bad Severus was still adamant on teaching about werewolves.

"Professor Snape."


"We haven't reached werewolves yet." Harry spoke again; repeating after the others in the class. Harry doubted the man would listen to him but it was worth a try.

"Mr Potter I can teach the class whatever I like." The name showed Harry how adamant the professor was about this. The loathing was still present between them. "Now let's see who can tell me how you identify a werewolf."

A few hands shot up.

"Okay Mr Evens." Harry's hand was not one of them.

"Well a werewolf has a shorter snout than a true wolf. Their paws or hands are smaller too. They often run in a more animated way brining their rears right in to their chest when in gate. For werewolves who take wolfsbane; they are able to recognise family or close friends when in wolf form with far less chance of injury. However, the main difference is in the eyes. The eyes of a werewolf weather in human form or not always seem to be full of physical and emotional pain. There is only one known werewolf in existence that enjoys the fact he is a werewolf. He still possesses this pain if eye witness accounts are to be bel-"

"Mr Potter!" Back to Potter. "I think we get the point."

"Oh sorry."

"Yes well." Snape began to teach further. Scouting over the parts Harry hadn't reached yet. Maliciously going over the ways to kill a werewolf.

"Now I want two roles on the characterizes of a werewolf and how to kill them. Dismissed."

Harry stayed behind after class. "What is it Evens?"

"I was polite when I first asked. Remus was my mother's friend just as you were."

"Mr Potter."

"He bullied you when you were CHILDREN." Harry told him. "He doesn't deserve the lose the only job he has been able to get in three years because of that. Because of Childish ignorance. He has barely been able to eat once a week before he came here. Trust me I know the feeling and it's not good."


"You're a good man Severus. I admire you more than you could imagen. Don't hold a grudge; it will only make you ill."

Professor Snape looked at him Harry had used his first name without even realizing it. "You'll be late for your lesson Harry."

"Yes Sir." Harry sighed and walked out of the room.

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