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Harry had no choice but to let Draco charm his hair. It had actually gotten a bit straighter as it grew, but only to a certain extent. The straightening spell would only last for around twelve hours, but that was enough for the fussy Malfoy Genes.

Ron finally gave in and had his hair cut, but Draco once again oiled his down. The blond needed to be utterly perfect.

The three boys wore robes of varying red. Ron's were the darkest; closer too black than red. Draco's were the lightest, a rich, deep, blood red.

"Come on, let's go wait for Hermione." Ron had given up trying to look any better, but was rather happy with how he looked.

"Well now, don't you three look dashing?"

"You look nice, Leila." Harry complemented the sixth year girl.

"You all match; how lovely""

"Hi Lee." Fred kissed her hand. "Might I say, you look radiant tonight."

"You may, Fred. Thanks" She blushed at her date as the boy was pushed out of the way.

"Get off my date, Georgie." George said, as he pushed Fred off the boy's own date.

"Brother, what do you think you are doing?" Fred asked, as the boys smiled, then proceeded to fake-fight.

"Men; they never grow up, do they?" Hermione spoke from behind the boys.

They all turned and greeted her. "Wow, Hermione, you look amazing." Draco told her.

"Beautiful, Hermione."

"Yeah." Ron agreed. "Really nice, Kin."

Hermione's was wearing a, flowing, golden dress. It came down to her feet and hooked over her left shoulder. She was holding her dress robes which were the same colour as Ron's. She looked taller and one of the older girls had helped her tie her hair up. She looked truly beautiful.

"Thanks guys." She blushed. "We should go and collect our dates."

"I need to wait for Ginny first." Ron told her.

Dean and Seamus came down together. Neither of them had dates. They were still going though.

"Aren't you going to pick Lovegood up?" Dean asked.

"Ron's waiting for his sister."

When Ginny came down, the boys saw that she was dressed in the worst possible colour for her hair. Ginny was dressed in light pink. Yes, she looked lovely, but a different colour would have flattered her much better.

Ron and the twins seemed impressed enough. "Excuse me, have you seen my sister Ginny?"

"Fred shut up."

"You look real pretty Gin." Ron told her.

"You'll meet me and Luna later?"

"'Course we will, Harry."

"You do look nice, Ginny." Harry told her, as he headed down to meet his own date.

Hermione left them early at the bottom of the stairs; no doubt going to find Victor. The boys continued to the entrance hall. This was where most people were meeting their dance partners.

"Hi, Draco!"

"Hey, Fray. You look nice." Draco told her with a smile. Harry didn't quite agree, although wouldn't be rude and tell her that. She was dressed in the brightest yellow dress and black robe. The look suited her, but it had nothing on the sight walking down from the Ravenclaw dorm.

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