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Harry smiled at his potions professor and honorary uncle as he was helped into the dining room. Healer Rachel had to leave for St Mungos in the early hours so Nurse Richard became Severus's shadow for now.

"Feel any better Professor?" Luna was the first to ask.

"A little, Miss Lovegood." Severus sat down and requested a cup of tea from the house elves. "Thank you." He said as an afterthought. He did feel better but there was still a throbbing pain in his arm.

"Have you thought any on what I said?" Harry asked. He, Luna, Draco and Ron were pouring over books of all types; all geared at dissecting the Dark Mark. Ron had a 'Wonderful World of Wands' journal under the table but was still helping. Remus was also present but being as close to the full moon as it was he was looking a little, distracted.

"I've only just become conscious a few moments ago." Severus did look quite drained but that was not at all surprising.

"You can always stay here if you have nowhere else."

"I will consider it Harry, when I can think straight." Severus said with even more kindness than usual.

Harry nodded and the subject was lost in the wave of studying.

They spent two more hours at the dining table, Severus had downed seven cups of tea in that time. He gave his own- very intimate- experience of his experience with the book.

"Ah Snape looks like you're up and about again." Moody gave Severus a clap on the shoulder as he went to the fridge. He pulled out a lunchbox- it looked mostly unassuming but it was warded almost as well as the rest of the house. "So you never did get to pass on your info about that bastard with Dumbledore. Anything for us?" The older man pulled out a platter of roast chicken which made Ron's eyes turn into saucers.

Severus nodded and curled his fingers around his mug. "He's cracked. Well and truly this time."

"Like crazier than before?" Ron asked pulling his eyes away from the forbidden food.

"Certainly. He's out forcing his death eaters to collect toads of all things. They were everywhere."

"Toads, well that is new." Moody bit into his chicken leg. "Still no idea where he's camping?"

"Not a clue. But I do know he plans to find the Lestranges- I suppose he misses Bellatrix. She has always been one of his favorites."

"Well that's something." Harry nodded. "I already sent Percy to persuade some Aurors to help increase the fortifications of Azkaban. Not sure if he's made any headway."

"Maybe we can use this Bellatrix to draw him into a trap." Moody gave a sly grin; he missed war.

"That's not a bad idea. Not at all." Harry agreed. "But it's not going to be easy, not with demeanors and Death eaters both fighting against us."

"Maybe a small team- an ambush from the inside- arm them with patronus's and chocolate. A capture mission?" Ron suggested. "We could try pulling information out of anyone we can."

"Should we rustle up some people, Potter?"

"Got anyone in mind?"

"A few."

Harry paused. "No one underage though. Please don't send Children to face Voldemort in Azkaban."

"I'll draw up the list unless Severus has anything else."

"Not much. He seemed restless, anxious or exited. Not sure which."

"I'll send Hermione and see what she can dig into the toad thing- See what she thinks of- umm no better not put that. Mail has been intercepted before."

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