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"I named her Emerald." Hermione held up her rat. It was a happy little creature who loved climbing all over her; and everything else it could find. Right at that moment she was sitting on Zana's back. Harry had told his to leave the white rat alone and now she reluctantly let Emerald climb over her.

"Not a bad name." Draco commented. His owl Keres was named for a goddess of war.

"Come on Mandy, off my ear." Ron came in pulling his toad to sit on his shoulder.

"So you named her Mandy." Draco said the second Ron walked in. The twins trailing behind him. They both looked tired. Harry would bet money that they were experimenting late into the night.

"No Ginny named her; Mandrgora. I call her Mandy." Ron insisted. The Toad had really taken a shine to Ron. Harry smiled; Ginny was the worst at naming things.

"Hi Mandy." Hermione waved at the toad.

They sat in the carriage; the first people to show up were, Ginny, Luna, Genevieve and Fray. They chatted for a while. Harry told everyone about the ball and the tournament. The girls were clearly far more excited than the boys. The tournament however made all of the boy's grin. All but Harry who was worried that he would be made to complete in the tournament all over again.

Harry helped Luna and Fray out of their carriage and walked with everyone into the Castle. Harry got Draco to help pull everyone out of the way as Peeves started dropping the water balloons. "Fred, George. Do something?"

"Peeves what the hell."

"Weezeys." Peeves floated down to hand them water balloons.

"No Peeves. Your better than this. Water balloons; pathetic."

"Peeves Pathetic?" He looked down at the balloons. "Yes you're right, I can do better Weazeys. I will do better." This was a strange language for Peeves but he floated off quickly as if he was crying. "I am Peeves and Peeves can do better."

"Did you upset him?"

"He'll be fine in an hour; once he's made Moaning Myrtle cry."

"What… Myrtle?" Harry sighed. "Guys hold my seat. I can't let her flood the bathroom again."

"Can I come Harry?" Luna asked; she was currently holding Zana. The large cat smothered her. Harry nodded and they headed towards the girls bathroom.


Myrtle appeared in front of the two. "Harry. Who's this?"

"This is my cat Zana and Luna my….. umm my Girlfriend." Harry gasped; he hadn't wanted to say that. It just came out. He began to breath heavily. He was going to call her friend. Or was he.

"Oh." Luna jumped. "Harry Really?"

"Well you know…." Harry stuttered. "If you want- I mean if you don't that's okay…. I like you. Like yeah." Harry felt like punching himself in the face. Why couldn't he have died instead of time travel? It would have been less embarrassing.

She nodded ideally. "I like you too Harry."

"Aww." Myrtle floated up and smiled. "You two are sweet."

"Thanks Myrtle."

"It's true." Myrtle reached out to try and pet Zana on the head. "You know I used to be allergic to cats." The cat kindly purred though neither could feel each other. "Are you two back for the year now Harry?"

"I am. I actually came to warn you. Peeves is on a rampage. I was worried he would come after you."

"Oh Harry thank you." She smiled softly at him.

"Its fine. Have you been alright over the holiday? Avoiding Peeves?"

"You told me to didn't you."

"I've been worried. It's not like I could owl you."

"Well thank you. I'm sure if you wrote me a letter Professor Dumbledore would read it to me." She told him. "He's a nice man. He never trusted Tom."

"I hope you don't mind but we need to get to the feast. I'll be back later."

"I don't mind Harry." She sat on her favourite sink. "It was very lovely to meet you Luna."

"And you Miss Warren." Luna smiled tilting her hair in her distinct way. Harry was fond of her aura of well just dottiness. It made her the most unique person at Hogwarts.

"You know that name?"

"Oh sorry, I'm a Seer like Harry."

"Its fine Luna. Just call me Myrtle. My parents don't know I turned into a ghost. It's hard to hear that name."

"I'm so sorry…."

"Don't worry about it." She nodded to Luna. "See you both later. I'll have a nap in my favourite U bend. Peeves hasn't found me there yet."

"Come on Luna; we don't want to miss the feast." Harry nervously slipped his hand into Luna's and she swung it with a grin.

Harry arrived shortly before Hermione exploded into her House elf rant.

"Hermione some of the house elves at Hogwarts do get paid but most of them declined when Dumbledore offered. They don't need the money nor do they want it. House elves- as long as the live under decent masters' mind- they like the work they do. Most house elves beg not to be given clothes it's like being fired. They hate it. The work is natural and they have the power to do far more than most wizards but they just don't want to." Draco told her.

"I have house elves Hermione." Harry told her. "In my grandparents' manor."


"So does Draco and Sirius."


"You can speak to them if you like." Harry insisted as he shrugged. "They love their jobs. It's a shame to be given clothes. A dishonour." Hermione sat back to think over what Harry had told her.

"Is Myrtle Okay?" Ron asked; distracting the conversation.

"She's fine. I persuaded her to hide from Peeves for the rest of the day."

"That's good." Draco answered as Ron now had chicken in his mouth.


Harry smiled as everyone found themselves cheering at the idea of the tri-wizard tournament. He had let the twins down easy by telling them on the train.

Harry let his mind run over the last tournament as Dumbledore explained what the tournament was.

"Harry are you coming?" Hermione pulled him up.

"Yeah, yeah sorry."

"Are you sure we won't get around it Harry?"

"The impartial judge is a cup guys. You can't even get to it without being of age." Harry told them. "A death eater put me in last time. An adult can put someone else's name in. But you won't get it. Sorry."

"That sucks."

"You should be glad. Someone died last time."

"Oh god. Who?"

Harry was silent for a long time. "Cedric. It was all my fault."

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