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Luna Lovegood was sat at the piano; she let her fingers brush the keys. It was late but Professor Lupin had charmed it for her so the sound wouldn't wake anyone.

Luna was described by many as a calm child, when she wasn't being called strange. Tonight however some anxiety was keeping her awake. She didn't let it show but she was quite afraid of this war; it was natural of course to be afraid of war but it didn't calm her fears.

Now Luna knew something about this war that many around her didn't. This war was destined, predetermined and entirely unavoidable. This wouldn't ease the anxiety but it was something she had known since she had first laid eyes on Harry James Potter. To her that was his name; Evans was a name he used for others but never for her. Evans was a mask for Harry; he would have no masks with her.

Anyway Luna could remember the day quite clearly. She had found herself searching for the Umgubular Slashkilter -which she never found by the way- on the train for her first year. She had passed many carriages but could sense her little friend was not in them.

Then she was face to face with Harrys. She knew this was not where her friend was but she was compelled to go in anyway. She knew this meeting was destined too. Just like the war.

He knew her name and yet she had never seen Harrys face before but she in turn knew him. She could sense greyness around him. Harry had issues in his life. She could sense his destiny but didn't quite know what it was. It didn't take her long to decipher it. A war. Harry would be fighting a war.

It was now that Luna realized how close that War truly was. That was why she couldn't sleep. She worried not about herself. Death didn't scare Luna or bother her at all; but the loss of time she didn't like. How much time did the world now have?

These were the thoughts that led her to the Piano that night. Lunas grandmother had been the one to first teach her to play of course the amazing woman was no longer alive but Luna's mum continued the lessons for a while.

Luna still played very often. It was something she enjoyed; it relaxed her when nothing else could.

"Luna what are you still doing up?" A surprised voice came from behind her.

"Same as you Harry." Luna turned her neck to smile at the older boy. "Couldn't sleep."

Harry paused for a moment when it struck him that these must be Luna Lovegoods pajamas. She was dressed in a full body onesie shaped after a pastel colored unicorn. On her feet she still wore her regular boots. She looked a strange site at James Potters Piano but she looked very Luna.

"Want some tea or something?" Harry finally asked.

Luna lifted her fingers from the instrument. "Some milk would be nice."

Harry gave a small nod as he left the room. Luna turned back to the piano and began to play again. It was a fast but pleasant little tune.

Harry returned with Luna's milk and some tea for himself. Luna took the warm mug into her hands as the tune finished.

"You're very good at that. What's the piece called?"

She smiled to him. "Thank you. It's my grandfather's favorite flight of the bumblebee. My grandmother used to play it for him."

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