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It took weeks to filter the potential candidate through the ministry. There was a small team of people writing out reports of every person that requested custody of Harry. There were thousands of candidates that needed to be narrowed down to just one.

All these were sent over to Albus Dumbledore. (As per his own request). The Hogwarts teachers were now to narrow them down to ten at first. They brought Arabella Figg over to help; Albus would have had hell to pay had he not been invited.

First they removed all of the doubtful families in the first wave. These were ones that they didn't trust with Harry Potter. The Malfoy's were one of the first to go.

Then they narrowed it down further; Dumbledore picked out only the light supporting family's.

It was isolated too ten Familys that Arabella Figg knew Harry wouldn't mind living with. For Example, if he had mentioned the familys before; or that the family seemed one Harry would fit into well. If she couldn't have Harry she was going to make sure he was happy where he was placed.

The resulting families were as follows.

The Cattermoles were a couple. Wizard Reginald and muggleborn Mary with their young triplets Ellie, Alfred and Masie.

The Diggorys were all pure bloods but one of the lightest families that Dumbledore could find. Amos, Bianca and of course Cedric.

Flumes were; Ambrosius and Penelope. They owned a sweet shop and had no children of their own.

Jack and Lucy were Hermione's parents.

Eric was a muggle and Illiana was his witch wife. They were Chaser Angelina Johnsons parents. She had a younger brother Mason who wouldn't start Hogwarts for almost ten years. Ilianna's oldest sister had fought in the war against Voldemort.

Nevilles Grandma; Augusta was in the list. She was obviously light supporting.

Anthony More and Wife Leanne had Rhea and a young son Eddie; the boy was not a Wizard. Arabella wondered if Harry would be comfortable in a Muggle house; he had lived in one for so long.

Muggles Ryan Rems and Lyla Rems had two daughters. Oldest daughter Elle was a muggle. Then their witch daughter Adeline who was the year above Harry.

Naturally the Wealseys had notes on all their children. They were most likely the most light supporting family in England.

Then Finally was Olivers' father Leslie and his wife Eleanor Wood. Many of the members of this family had fought on the light side at one point or another.

These were then sent over to the Ministry. They would be the ones conducting the final stages to ensure Harry was in a safe home.

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