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Remus hadn't felt so relaxed in over fifteen years. In fact, even at Hogwarts, he was never this relaxed. Yes, of course, with that thought he missed his lost friends, and the innocence of age, but he was happy living with Sirius and Harry. It was almost like Lily and James were wherever Harry was, watching over them all. It made Remus feel like he had a pack, a full, real family.

He very rarely got to relax and truly recover after a full moon. Sirius refused to let him go any longer without being treated so he had gotten his house elf to wait on him hand and foot. He was ready to be moving around now, but Sirius still kept the house elf close to his werewolf friend.

Remus wanted to be there for Harry in this test, thing. However, he was a werewolf, and couldn't risk being too close to the ministry. He hated the fact that he was prevented from being there for his pup; of course, the boy wasn't a child anymore, bit Remus couldn't help but think of Harry as a child.

The little elf handed Remus the daily paper and a cup of Peppermint tea. He sighed at the front page. It was a very weak argument but Fudge was trying to discredit all the Tri-wizard champions. And anyone who supported them. Remus had never been the biggest fan of Fudge; this made it even worse. This was Harry they were talking about.

It hadn't even been an hour since Sirius and Harry had left when suddenly without any warning a horde of gingers came bowling through the floo. They were followed by a Veela and two blonds. A small group of brunettes, and well, from the looks of it, everyone Harry knew.

"Hey, Professor Lupin." Young voices greeted him before they began to hang banners in the house. To the corner an old woman was comforting a coughing boy. They all just began working, leaving him on his armchair; still in his lounge clothes as well.

"Ah Remus dear, where is your kitchen?" The oldest ginger woman asked.

Remus remembered this woman and her brothers from the Order of the Phoenix, all those years ago. "Umm, that way…. Molly right?"

She nodded her thanks and beckoned a group of the children to follow her. Only one of them Ginger like herself, there was a second girl with red hair however it was a different kind of red. The final girls were both varying blonds.

"Umm what is actually going on here?"

Molly stopped and smiled at him. "Didn't Sirius tell you? He invited us to plan Harry a birthday party."

"No, no he didn't."

"Oh, sorry." Molly shrugged seeming not in the least bit surprised. "Sirius thought because Harry has been under a lot of pressure lately, a party might cheer him up."

"I suppose it would." Remus just shook his head; Sirius had explaining to do. Remus rolled his eyes and moved to help Oliver wood with the banners.

Luna, Ginny, Fray and Genevieve were trying to bake like muggles in the kitchen; it was not going well. The two little house elves were not in the least bit impressed.

It took much longer than they expected for Harry and Sirius to arrive home. After half an hour of being finished setting up, the party was already in full swing. It was all Molly could do to keep the children away from the birthday cake. Of course, Molly had ensured it would be edible, and had kept the twins away from it.

Draco hid from Ron as he discussed the Herbology summer essay with Neville. Despite his good grades, Ron couldn't help but make fun of nerdy talk; it was practically an integral part of the Weasley genes. Only Percy had escaped it.

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