Chapter 03

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"The most gracious Jabba has one more small condition. He demands you bring back the slime who kidnapped his little punky muffin."

"Punky?" I questioned, trying to keep a straight face while looking to Obi Wan who simply shrugged it off.

"Dead or alive. If you do not succeed, Count Dooku and his droid army will." The droid translated once again. I looked to my Master before we both nodded in agreement and were escorted back outside to our ships.

"All right, Anakin, here's the story. Jabba has given us only one planetary rotation to get his son back home to Tatooine safe and sound." Obi Wan instructed his former Padawan over holocomm.

"Won't take us that long, Master." Skywalker replied confidently.

"Well, take extreme care We have no idea who's holding Jabba's son. When I've finished negotiations with him, We will join you." Obi Wan promised before we both hopped into our ships again.

"I know, R4. I want to get out of here, too." I sighed as the droid beeped to us. Returning back to the cruiser we had landed our small ships inside the larger one.

"Commander, tell Admiral Yularen to get underway, we need to reinforce Anakin." Obi Wan instructed Commander Cody when we jumped out of our ships and into the hanger.

"Right away, sir." The clone responded, turning and walking off to follow orders.

"Anakin, did you locate Jabba's son?" My master asked over holocomm once we had reached the bridge and reconnected with the duo.

"We have him, but it looks like the Separatists are behind his abduction. This smells like Count Dooku to me." Anakin voiced his suspicion of the Sith.

"I think it's little Stinky you smell." Ahsoka whispers to him and I smiled at her joke.

"I'll bet Dooku is using us to get Jabba to join the Separatists." Kenobi suggested.

"Master Kenobi, we have another problem. This Huttlet is very sick." Ahsoka warned as I took note of the ill creature in her backpack.

"I'm not sure we can get him back to Tatooine alive, Master. This whole rescue may backfire on us. I still don't think dealing with the Hutts is a good idea." Anakin reminded us of his doubts.

"Anakin, you know they control shipping routes in the Outer Rim. Jabba's cooperation is crucial to the war effort. If you let anything happen to his son our chances of a treaty with him will disappear."

"Master? We've got trouble!" Ahsoka warned as ships began to fly in over them.

"Defensive positions!" Rex shouted the orders to his men in the background.

"Anakin?" Obi Wan questioned.

"I'll have to call you back, Master. We're under attack, we could use a little help here if you have the time." I looked to my Master with confusion as his former Padawan spoke, unsure what trouble they were in.

"We'll get there as soon as we can, Protect the Hutt, Anakin." With that Anakin and Ahsoka had cut out.

Our cruiser had jumped to the planet of Teth where Anakin and Ahsoka were currently faced with battle. Rushing into our fighters with a group of clones we had all prepared to fly towards the surface. I was not a very skilled pilot, but I could manage flying, fighting however was a different story.

"Skywalker is in trouble. You know the drill." Obi Wan spoke to his men, making me wonder how often this happened.

"Copy that, sir." We took to battle in the sky, guns firing all around us as we made our way towards the surface.

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