Chapter 80

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"What's going on?" I ran up to Anakin, Rex and Fives as they made their way towards a shuttle in the hangar quickly.

"We lost contact with the medical transport," Anakin explained. "We are going out to investigate, are you coming?"

"Yes" I nodded, moving with him onto the ship where Fives and Rex were standing in the cockpit.

"Uh sir, what is she doing here?" Rex questioned his General as to my presence.

"She's coming with us" Anakin shrugged.

"But she should be in the med bay healing her wound" the Clone Captain protested.

"I trust her to be able to make her own decisions Rex, so if she thinks she can come investigate then she can come investigate."

"Yes, sir" with that we all got ready to go. The shuttle took off into space when we got a transmission coming through from the admiral.

"General Skywalker, you are nearing the coordinates where we lost contact with the shuttle."

"We can see it now. It doesn't look good." Anakin responded as I sat beside him, looking out at the shuttle that had been almost completely destroyed.

"Looks like some buzz droids got on the hull and opened her right up." Fives noted as I nodded in agreement. "Hmm, strategically, this attack doesn't make any sense."

"Unless they were after something specific." Anakin thought.

"Tup..." Fives trailed.

"This isn't good," I sighed with the slight shake of my head.

"I'm going over there." Anakin stated, standing to his feet.

"We're coming with you." Rex stated back, following Skywalker to gear up. "You are staying here" Rex pointed to me sternly.

"You can't give me orders" I crossed my arms in protest. "But I was going to stay anyway" I slumped back in the chair as Rex walked away knowing I would be safe. "What do you see out there?" I asked the boys as they had entered the broken down shuttle.

"Over here. This is Tup's gurney." Anakin called them over to the site he had found "The restraints have been cut."

"The clankers took Tup? Why?" Rex questioned.

"They must be responsible for whatever's happening to him." Fives grew upset at the thought of them taking his brother.

"It's possible. All I know is they went to great lengths to capture him. And that means something." Anakin told them.

"We have got to get him back." Fives was determined to save his brother.

"Don't worry. We'll find a way." Anakin promised. "We are coming back, Lyra" Soon all three men were back in the shuttle and coming up with a plan to get Tup back safely.

"It will be just the three of us going in. The shuttle will drop us off just short of the main hangar, then we spacewalk from there." Anakin told his men the plan as I was put in charge of the shuttle.

"Are you picking anything up on Tup's locator?" Rex questioned me. I had been scanning the locator on a data pad from my seat while Rex peaked over my shoulder.

"I've got a faint signal, but it's hard to track. It's moving." I reported back.

"Then we better hurry." Anakin said. The men had geared up again and walked out into space for the second time today.

"I've got a better signal. Tup is heading this way." Fives took over the tracking as they walked out.

"They're moving him to the hangar." Anakin noted.

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