Chapter 18

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"There's a meeting in the war room!" Ahsoka rushed past me in the hall as Barriss followed slowly behind the eager girl.

"Oh?" I decided to follow her into the war room to find out what was going on. Upon entering the room I had slowed to a walk as I entered further to see a hologram message on display in front of the Jedi masters. Younglings and Padawans had also gathered around to see.

"Greetings, Jedi. It would seem once again one of your order has lost his way, and, even better, a leading member of your Jedi Council." Grievous sinisterly mocked. We all watched in shock as a Jedi Master was held up by the robot General himself. "Listen to me, Jedi. I do not care about your politics, I do not care about your Republic, I only live to see you die!" With that a droid forcefully hit Eeth Koth with a taser staff, causing the master to cry out in pain.

I quickly covered the eyes of two younglings nearby to prevent them from watching the horror. "But death will not come so easily for Master Koth. I will make him suffer endlessly, because I know that is more painful for you all!" Grievous laughed evilly before ending the transmission. Murmurs were spread immediately around the room after the hologram diminished.

"Away with the younglings. Much there is to discuss." Yoda waved us all out with the children.

"Come on" I gently urged a youngling out of the room to leave our masters to plan our next course of action.

"It's time somebody finally put an end to that monster." Anakin spoke up with anger towards the separatist General.

"On that, agreed we are. How to find him, the question remains." Yoda's gurgling was the last I heard before we were gone.


"Lyra we will be working on the mission to rescuer Master Koth" my Master told me as he stood in the door way to my quarters.

"When do we leave?" I looked up from my meditation.

"Now" he walked out, leaving me to follow behind in a rush to catch up with him. The pair of us walked together towards the shuttle that would take us to the cruiser above Coruscant, Anakin and his men already waiting for us. My Master explained the mission and plan to me on our way to finding Anakin in the hanger.

"Hey Lyra could you go tell Rex to have his men set up the shuttle?" Anakin asked once we approached him in the busy hanger.

"Uh yeah" I nodded before walking off again. "Rex?" I questioned the clone who had his back to me.

"Yes sir?" He turned around and seemed slightly taken aback by seeing me instead of his General.

"Master Skywalker wanted me to tell you to set up the shuttle" I explained to him, giving the orders as best I could.

"On it, sir" he nodded. With a small wave I left him to do his task and prepared myself for the mission at hand.


"The general wants us in the command Center" Cody reported as he found me wandering the halls of the ship.

"Then let's not keep him waiting" I lead the way and we both met up with my Master as he spoke to the shuttle Anakins team was in over comms.

"Are you ready?"

"Ready and waiting." Anakin responded from his ship with Rex and Adi Gallia. I stood beside Kenobi and listened to the conversation.

"I shall engage the Separatist fleet and send you the coordinates of Grievous' command ship." My master continued.

"Just make sure you get it right." Anakin smirked from his end.

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