Chapter 83

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"My group completed the Citadel course in 15 minutes" Tennor boasted.

"The Citadel?" I raised question.

"Yeah, that's what the programs called" he continued while I looked to the Jedi and Rex. "Am I missing something?" He pressed on further when the rest of us shared a knowing look that he didn't understand.

"No, it's nothing" I shook my head, memories of one of my first missions as a General leaving my thoughts. "Anyway, what's next?"

"That is all for the tour. I will let you gather together the information you have so far and tomorrow I will be glad to answer any of your questions or concerns" the Jedi spoke in her soft motherly tone of voice. "I'm sure one of the Captains would be willing to show you to the mess hall for dinner" she smiled before walking off.

"I can show you where it is, no need to bother this guy" Tennor stated, pushing Rex off to the side slightly.

"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute" I mindlessly waved him off, not listening to his words as I looked down into the training pit. He cheerfully walked out when Rex was about to move after him, but paused to check on me first.

"Are you alright?"

"Do you miss Echo?" I blurted out my question.

"I—well— I mean." He began stuttering, not knowing how to answer the abrupt question. "Yeah, he was my brother and a valuable member of the 501st" he sighed. "It as an honour to serve with him"

"Sorry, I shouldn't have bothered you with that" I shook my head in another attempt to free my scrambled thought.

"No worry's, I thought of the same thing when they mentioned the citadel and not a day goes by that I don't think that there could have been some way I could have stopped him and saved him."

"Let's go eat" I offered him a smile, changing the subject. I led him out of the area where we had met up with Tennor who had been waiting just outside.

"What was going on in there?"

"Nothing that concerns you" Rex claimed pulling me past him and towards the mess hall.

"The pretty lady wanted me to show her where the mess hall was" Tennor spoke up, pulling me to a halt.

"Excuse me?" I turned to face him with my face scrunched in disgust.

"You told me that I would be taking you to the mess hall" he reminded.

"Pretty lady?"

"Yeah, that's what you are" Tennor replied smoothly to my question.

"Ugh!" I stormed off through the winding halls that I still couldn't navigate on my own. 

"Lyra, wait up!" Rex called, rushing after me.

"What?" I snapped, whipping myself around only to calm down at the realization of it being Rex and not Tennor. "Sorry"

"That's alright. I just wanted to let you know that the mess hall is two lefts and a right from here" he gave me directions as he scratched the back of his head. I had taken in a few deep breaths to regain myself and make sure I didn't let my emotions take over before I continued.

"Well then let's go find it" I started walking with the directions, but stopped as he wasn't following. "Are you coming?"

"Oh Uh, yes!"


I woke up the next morning, finding the Jedi Master and asking her all of my questions of the clones and inhibitor chips before I put together all of the information in my own report on the clones.

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