Chapter 62

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"Unfortunately, the only way to reclaim Onderon will be through armed struggle. But we lack sufficient hardware and supplies." Lux started as we all stood and sat in the council hall talking with rebels of Onderon over hologram transmission.

"Onderon is in your king's rule. And at the outbreak of the Clone War, he chose to align it with the Separatists." Obi Wan reminded them of the political stance of their planet.

"Our true king has been silenced. The one you recognize is a traitor and a Separatist minion. We need your help to survive this." Saw Gerrira begged our Jedi for assistance.

"Find a way we shall." Yoda promised the pair before us in hologram form.

"We await your answer." Lux nodded to Yoda before looking over at Ahsoka slightly, trying to be sly about his secret glance. This look was noticed by me and obviously Ahsoka, but I kept quiet, not wanting to point it out and embarrass her.

"There are pockets of rebels on many of these planets that just need guidance. With training and resources, they could attack soft targets while the Republic continues to engage them on the battlefield." Anakin suggested an idea to everyone once the transmission was ended.

"That sounds like terrorism, Anakin." Obi Wan pointed out.

"Well, I think of it as an insurgency to help realign these planets with the Republic." Anakin replied.

"We can divide the Separatist forces and press them on two fronts." Mace agreed with Skywalker for once, catching me off guard.

"A means to an end fear cannot be. Stop those who spread terror the Jedi must." Yoda gave his point on the subject.

"Indeed. What you're suggesting would open up dangerous possibilities. And we must not train terrorists." Obi Wan stated sternly.

"Eh, rebels." Anakin corrected his former master.

"How we conduct war is what distinguishes us from others. Funding rebels to overthrow a legitimate government puts innocent lives at risk."

"We can minimize collateral damage by using arms that mainly affect droids."

"The least we can do is help them defend themselves, test the tactic while we're at it." Windu stepped into the back and forth with Kenobi and Skywalker.

"This could be a great new weapon for us." Anakin reminded.

"Hmm. Train and observe. Send advisors we will." Yoda ordered.

"I'll assemble a team." Anakin nodded at the plan.

"I'm going with you." Obi Wan stood from his seat.

"What, you don't trust me?" Anakin asked as Obi Wan walked closer.

"Too much. That's what worries me." Obi Wan placed a hand on Anakin shoulder.

"Could Lyra come too?" Ahsoka asked the council with hope to be on another mission with you.

"Yes, General Jayko will join you" Mace agreed with the idea. "She will be of great use for you" I sent Ahsoka a smile before we all walked out together.

"Rex will be joining us you know" Ahsoka smirked at me as we walked side by side towards the hanger.

"What? Why?" I questioned.

"We need someone to train them who is good with training soldiers" she explained the reasoning.

"So what can you tell me about this Lux guy?" I smirked back at her as a slight blush covered her cheeks, knowing now how to turn her teasing around on her.

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