Chapter 84

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"The droids have overrun our main production facility. It won't be long before the Separatists take Anaxes, compromising our entire reserve fleet." Windu discussed a plan for battle on Anaxes with Anakin in the command centre of the republic base.

"Pardon the interruption, General, but Rex here has a good theory on why we keep, uh... losing." Cody interrupted the meeting with Rex right beside him.

"Please, Captain." Windu let him explain his theory.

"The droid army uses analytics to predict our strategy. The first time we use a tactic, it's very effective. The next, less so. In fact, the more we use a certain tactic, the less effective it becomes. They learn our tendencies and use that data against us. To counter them, we're constantly working out ways to vary our attack." Rex began his explanation to the pair of Generals.

"But the losses we are experiencing on Anaxes are not commonplace." Mace cut in.

"Exactly. The counterattacks are so specific, it's my strategy the droids know, my playbook." Rex finished.

"My concern is that Rex is one of our best. If the droids can learn to defeat him, we may all be vulnerable." Cody added his opinion.

"What do you propose?" Windu asked the pair of clones.

"Let Rex and me take a small squad behind enemy lines. There's a Separatist Cyber Center which relays all battlefield intel to their command ship. If we're going to find anything, it will be there." Cody continued with a plan.

"If you think it will help turn this fight around, get going." Mace ordered.

"Thank you, General." Rex nodded.

"Rex, is there anything else?" Anakin asked, noticing something was off in his Captain.

"No, General." Rex paused again before shaking his head and walking away with Cody to get ready for their mission.

"What are you thinking Skywalker?" Mace raised an eyebrow towards the other General.

"I think they could use some help from a General" Anakin started.

"You can not go on this mission with them, we have a battle to attend to here"

"But what if we sent in a General who is not busy in battle?" Anakin proposed the idea.

"Who do you have in mind?" Windu questioned with interest.

"General Jayko has been on Kamino to fill in for General Ti, but she returned a few days ago and Lyra is all healed from the last time I had seen her" Anakin suggested.

"Call her in" Windu told him, agreeing with the plan.


"Come on, Rex. Time to move out." Cody entered the barracks to find Rex alone looking at a photo of him Cody, Echo and Fives.

"Fives, Echo, and before that, Hevy. There's so many troopers... gone." Rex started in a gloomy tone.

"Yeah, regular folk don't understand. Sometimes in war, it's hard to be the one that survives." Cody reminded.

"That's what I'm worried about."

"Well, what do you mean?"

"I didn't tell the Generals. They might think I'm crazy. In fact, you might think I'm crazy."

"What is it?" Cody worried for his brother.

"I think Echo's alive."

"That's not possible. He died at the Citadel." Cody reminded.

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