Chapter 04

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"Captain, I understand General Skywalker escaped?" Obi Wan and I made our way back toward Rex and his remaining men, deflecting the blaster shots away from them as we caught up.

"Yes, sir. On some beat-up old space freighter. I'll be surprised if he even makes it to Tatooine in that junker." Rex voiced his opinion.

"If anybody can fly a bucket of bolts through hyperspace, he can." Kenobi stated, confident in his former Padawan. We finished the fight pretty quickly, taking down the last few droids. I was face to face with a large droid that had picked me up and pressed harshly on my blaster wound from an earlier fight with its metal hands.

"Oh kriff!" I shouted out with pain, head falling forward before snapping back up at the droid that held me.

"Commander?" Rex's voice called out as he frantically looked for where the cry of pain had come from. I swung one of my sabers to cut off the arms, letting me drop to the ground with a thud, not landing as gracefully as I normally would have. Rex made his way over, blasting one of the last droids as he knelt by my side.

"That's the last of them" Kenobi reported, walking over.

"We need to get her to medical" Rex stated to the General, looking up at him from his kneeling position beside me.

"I'm fine" I waved him off, trying to stand up on my own and wincing.

"You are not—" he starts.

"Captain" I cut him off.

"Sorry, Commander" he stood up and offered me a hand. I accepted his offer and he pulled me to my feet by my good arm.

"We can handle clean up, but you should go get that bandaged properly at least" Obi Wan recommended, a look of care in his eyes. I nodded to my Masters orders and made my way towards the gunship so that I could return to the cruiser above and head to the medical wing to get properly patched up, hopefully with some bacta.


"Obi-Wan, come in! Do you copy?" Anakin voiced out as he appeared on our holoscreen. I had just been bandaged up when Kenobi and Rex arrived on the cruiser, taking me towards the bridge with them to receive the message from Skywalker upon their arrival.

"Kenobi, here Anakin, have you reached Tatooine yet?" My Master questioned the status of the mission.

"Almost, but we ran into some old—" the Jedi knight started.

"Anakin, did you get shot down again?" Kenobi questions, cutting off Skywalker.

"Yes!" Ahsoka cut in before her Master could answer, earning a glare from the man piloting the piece of junk. I shook my head with a smile at the duo before us, imagining what trouble they would bring to this war, hopefully the trouble would be more directed towards the Separatists, but I really can't tell yet.

"This ship is too slow. I haven't had time to modify it yet." He claims with a simple shrug.

"I'm still cleaning up your other mess, but I'll get there." Obi Wan told him the promise before ending the comm. "How are you feeling?" He had turned to me who had been standing beside him with my newly bacta wrapped arm.

"Better and ready to help." I tell him as I straightened up and removed my hand from holding my arm in pain. He turned back to the holo table and sent a message to Master Yoda, trusting that I knew my limits and ability's given my age and experience and that I was far from acting like Anakin did as a Padawan and even now.

"Anakin has reached Tatooine with the Huttlet, Master but he's still in grave danger.
Separatist troops are desperate to intercept him. I think this whole plot was engineered by Dooku to convince Jabba we kidnapped his son." Kenobi reports to the old Jedi Master.

"If believe this, the Hutts do, ended will our chances of a treaty with them be. Join Dooku and the Separatists, Jabba will, yes." Yoda spoke his thoughts aloud in his riddled way of speech.

"That would be a disaster. We must have this alliance with the Hutts if we are to win the war in the Outer Rim." Supreme chancellor Palpatine gave his opinion on the situation from a political standpoint.

"In Skywalker is the Republic's only hope. Return Jabba's son, he must." Yoda said.

"Anakin's experience with the Hutts should help, he'll come through." Obi Wan promised.

"What is the plan now?" I questioned my Master with interest, unsure of what our next step would be from here.

"Now we return to the Temple on Coruscant to pick up Master Yoda before getting Anakin and Ahsoka from Tatooine."

The cruiser had brought us back to the heart of the Republic where ships and speeders moved through the busy city. Entering the familiar Temple with my new Master we had met up with Yoda outside of the meditation room where he was often found if not in the Council room.

"Ready to go, I am" Yoda walked out before we could even knock.

"Good, we should be leaving now" Kenobi spoke, leading the way as Yoda hobbled beside us. Stepping out into the light there was a gunship waiting to return us to the cruiser above so that we could go back to Tatooine.

I stayed in my quarters for most of the trip, meditating and focusing on the task ahead of us. There was a hard knock on my door before I opened it with the force to see Cody standing there.

"Cody" I greeted while standing to my feet with a smile at the other commander I soul be working alongside with the 212th.

"Commander, we are preparing to go down to the planet" the trooper said calmly.

"Of course, Cody" I smiled, securing my sabers on belt. Following him through the hallways we reached the hanger to approach Master Yoda, Master Kenobi and Captain Rex. "Masters, Captain" I nodded to the group.

"Commander" Rex nodded back to me.

"Are we ready to go?" I questioned the men.

"Ready, we are" Yoda told me as we all stepped into the gunship.

"Might wanna hold on" Captain Rex warned, placing his helmet over his head.

"I'm not as young as Ashoka, I've been in this war just as long as you have if not longer" I reminded him as I reached up to hold one of the loops of the gunship. The ship swayed once the doors closed, flying into space above the planet before moving down to land on the surface.


"Ly, you'll never believe what happened!" Ashoka rushed towards me as we stepped off the gunship just in front of Jabba's palace to meet up with them.

"Hmm, you flew a bucket of bolts through space, walked miles of sand on Tatooine, fought off some droids and delivered Jabba's son" I replied with a pondering tone as if I was thinking about it.

"Aw, how'd you know?" She seemed disappointed that I already knew her whole story, shoulders slumping.

"The great Jedi know all" I joked as I nudged her, the girl smiling up at me. "We have been keeping in contact with Anakin" I told her the real answer, the young Padawan laughing in response.

"We should return to Coruscant now, there is lots of work to be done if we are to win the war" Obi Wan called over to us. We smiled to each other and made our way back to the republic cruiser.


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