Chapter 31

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"Lyra, the council is requesting your presence" Anakin found me reading in the library.

"Do you know why? I don't have a mission report for them" I think as to why I'm wanted by the council.

"Didn't say" he shrugged. I carefully collected my study's and put them away before returning to the council.

"You wanted to see me masters?" I stepped inside and stood before the Jedi masters.

"Yes Padawan Jayko" Mace Windu nodded.

"Become a well trained Padawan you have" Yoda started.

"We think you are ready to go through with the Jedi trials" Plo Koon continued.

"Really?" I became excited at the thought.

"Yes, we know in this time of war it may be difficult but you are well trained and ready" Luminara added.

"You will be completing your trials guided by Master Kenobi" Windu started up again. "You will need to complete the trial of skill, courage, flesh, spirit and insight"

"Good luck" Plo Koon spoke up before Kenobi stood and guided me out.


"Where are we?" I asked as we landed on a forest moon.

"You tell me. Reach out into the force and tell me what you find" he instructed, sitting down into a calm meditation. I sat across from him and followed his lead, reaching out through the force like I had been taught.

"I see trees, plants, vines, wooden huts in the tall trees, Ewoks. I feel something else, something dark" I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to figure out what I was feeling until my instinct set in and I opened my eyes, igniting a saber just in time to block the blow from Ventress.

"Look at Kenobi and his little Padawan, meditating out in the open with no reinforcements" Ventress chided, pressing onto me harder until I pushed her back with the force.

"Remember Lyra, use the force" My Master told me before he disappeared into the trees.

"What?" I asked in confusion, but focused back on the mission at hand. The angry woman lunged at me, swinging her red blades violently through the air. I blocked the strike and tried to deal one myself but she was faster and ducked just in time.

"Oh, the little Padawan was left behind by her Master" Ventress taunted, trying to get inside my head.

"I can handle myself" I stated, flipping back as she swung. I collapsed to the ground in a whirl of pain as my back had been struck by the tip of the blade.

"Can you?" She stood over me, having power over if I live if die.

"Yes, I can" I reminded, smirking as I used the force to grab a log from behind me and throw it towards her, pushing her back into the forrest with it. I stood to my feet with a groan, closing my eyes to wish away the pain with no luck. A sigh escaped my mouth as I moved after the assassin, following her path through the maze of trees. I turned a corner, holding onto a tree for balance only to see, Anakin a few feet away, both arms missing and eyes lifeless. I stumbled in shock before seeing Ahsoka laying beside Obi Wan, both of them coughing in pain.

"No" I gasped, the coughing stopping and air being pressed from their lungs.

"Commander Jayko?" A clone called out weakly. I looked around for who called my name and my eyes landed on the jaig eyes painted onto a 501st helmet.

"Rex!" I rushed to his side, noting how he held his abdomen. "What happened here?" I questioned, pulling off his helmet to face him.

"They ambushed us, you were too late" his eyes started to loose their golden colour, fading into a grey.

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