Chapter 52

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"Troubling is the return of the Zygerrians." Yoda gurgled, discussing the matter with us over hologram.

"It is likely they mean to use Dooku to rebuild their slaver empire." Plo Koon said.

"We cannot allow that, Master." Anakin warned with caution.

"Agree I do, but first find the colonists you must. In great danger, they are."

"What is it, Master?" Plo asked the small green man.

"Sense I do a darker hand in this mystery. Slavery, a great tool it is for the rise of the Sith." Yoda claimed.


"It looks like Zygerria is a popular place these days." Anakin commented as he flew the stolen Zygerrian ship towards the planet it had come from.

"Hmm. Whatever is happening is attracting plenty of high class scum." Kenobi added his own comment, looking out at the sea of ships before you, surrounding the planet known for its slavery.

"Ahsoka, Lyra go put on your disguises" Anakin told us with a brief nod. The two of us stood from our seats, moving to change into the disguises we had found. Ahsoka wore a turquoise skirt with a matching cropped top and long sleeves. She had also been decorated in gold jewelry and a headpiece made of gold as well.

"Come on our, Ly" Ahsoka prompted, waiting for me to reveal the outfit.

"I don't like this" I told her, exiting the room to reveal my light green skirt with a matching tube top. I wore a loose belt of silver and a matching silver headpiece that rested on my forehead.

"Under the circumstances, you look nice" Ahsoka gave a small smile in hopes of cheering me up. "And just think about it, this mission will be over before you know it"

"Thanks Ahsoka" I smiled to the girl. "Don't forget your cloak" I handed Ahsoka her cloak before we moved to meet the others upon landing.

"Let's just hope the information our spies gave us about the Queen is accurate. Remember, I'll keep her occupied while you locate the missing people of Kiros." Anakin started to explain the plan to Rex and Obi Wan as they put on their helmets for disguise.

"How do you plan on keeping the Queen occupied?" Kenobi questioned sceptically.

"With my magnetic charm, of course." Anakin answered cockily.

"Oh, yes, of course." Obi Wan sarcastically agreed.

"Hold on to this, will you, buddy?" Anakin gave R2 his lightsaber and Kenobi's.

"Remind me why I'm the one playing the part of the slave?" Ahsoka asked as we joined the men.

"Lyras going along too" Kenobi reminded, sending me a smile.

"But why not one of you guys?" She questioned.

"I tried it once, I wasn't any good at it. Besides, the role of master comes easily to me." Anakin smirked.

"Really? Well, this time try to be convincing at it." Ahsoka snapped back.

"Good luck, General" Rex looked to me quickly from behind his disguise with a curt nod before we set out to the market place. I nodded and followed behind Anakin, stepping into my roll as a slave as people watched us.

"Ugh! How can a civilization this advanced still practice slavery?" Ahsoka asked, seeing what the planet was really like up close.

"It makes them wealthy and powerful at the expense of others. Before the Hutts bought my mother, she was sold in a market just like this." Anakin sneered.

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