Chapter 30

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"Trooper, put the blaster down" Cody ordered, carefully setting the two trays he held onto the table.

"I can't do that" his finger shook more violently as I closed my eyes to focus, cold metal pressing into my head. Rex had also set his tray aside to have better access to fight when  the moment was right. With a nod to each other both men pulled their blasters and aimed them at the trooper, their training kicking in immediately.

"Lower your blaster" Rex's voice was stern and serious as he watched me carefully, making sure I wasn't hurt. The traitor shot at Cody who ducked down and shot back as those two got into a fight. Rex had ran over and tackled me to the ground while the other two men tackled each other to the ground. Cody ended up being punched in the face and temporarily knocked down when I spotted the trooper escaping into the hallway. I scrambled to my feet within an instant. "Commander, wait!" Rex reached out to stop me but I had gotten too far out of his reach.

Turning into the hallway I dodged blaster fire from the traitor and ran at him until he had jumped out of the way. With a huff of frustration I used the force to throw him back into the wall and walk towards him at a normal pace.

"What's going on here?" Anakin asked as he and Obi Wan arrived in the hallway, Cody having sent them a warning beep when he found the clone threatening me.

"He tried to kill her" Cody explained as he and Rex rushed out to join us.

"Take him away" Kenobi stated sternly. I looked back and he gave me a nod to let the trooper go. Dropping the threat to the ground Cody roughly picked him up and forced him towards the cell block.

"Are you okay?" My Master placed his hands on my shoulders to look me in the eyes.

"Yeah, I was just a little scared" I admitted.

"It's okay to be scared sometimes, but it's how we deal with that fear that makes us Jedi" he told me softly.

"You did good under the pressure of that situation" Anakin noted with pride for how I handled myself.

"I couldn't have done it without Cody and Rex"

"Yeah, you could have" Rex spoke under his breath but it did not go unnoticed by Anakin who simply smirked at his Captains correction.


"Sir, you seem troubled." Cody joins Kenobi and I as we waited on the hanger platform for the shuttle to arrive.

"Don't get him started" I begged in a whisper as I looked up a Cody, earning a light laugh from the clone who had no idea what was going on.

"Quinlan Vos has that effect." Obi Wan continued, ignoring his commanders.

"Ah... Yes, that Jedi has quite a reputation." Cody recalled the story's he's heard.

"That may be overstating it, Cody. Let's just say he's crazy." My Master shrugged.

"Ship entry from the west, sir." Cody pointed to an incoming ship. Watching carefully it hovered above us and blew up dust. I covered my emerald eyes from the dust and wind.

"Hey, Kenobi!" The Jedi called from above, jumping to land in front of us casually before the shuttle could even land. "Hey, Commander, looking good." He waved to Cody who stayed still.

"He's worse than Anakin" I whispered to Cody.

"Kenobi, you look worse for wear. How's Temple life?" He commented before asking for a life update from my Master. My Master only glared at the Jedi knight in response. "Good seeing you, too."

"Yes, well, if you could tell time half as well as you can stick a landing, we wouldn't be behind schedule now, would we?" Obi Wan countered with annoyance.

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