Chapter 20

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My shoulder burned with a sudden pain as I was thrown off my speeder like Rex.

"Blasted droids" I mumbled, regaining my focus.

"Commander!" Jesse panicked in my absence, pulling the group to return to me. I wobbled to a standing position, holding onto my speeder for balance as I ignited my saber. Pulling the droid towards me I slashed my saber through it, destroying the droid that had harmed me.

"Well they definitely brought more friends" Hardcase commented. I wobbled some more and fell into Kix who held me up properly.

"Sir we need to get you back to the farm. Your in no condition to fight" Kix said as he checked the blaster wound on my shoulder carefully as to not hurt me further. "Hold her" Kix handed me off to Jesse who helped me to stand up while he rushed to grab him med bag. "Think you can make it back on your own?"

"With my speeder, yes" I answered the medic. He set the bag of supplies on my speeder and Jesse helped me onto it gently.

"You know how to clean your wounds?"

"Yes, I'll be fine. Jesse you're in charge, meet up with Obi Wan and we will meet up with you once we are ready to leave." I instructed. Waving off the men, I drove off the way we came and back to the farmhouse.

"Your back" Suu commented upon my return.

"Yeah um we ran into a little trouble" I laughed slightly but winced in pain as I held my shoulder.

"Oh my!" She gasped when she took notice of my wound.

"The others are continuing their mission but do you think I could also stay the night to patch myself up?"

"Of course, do you need any help?"

"No thanks, I'm okay" I promised her.

"Well if you need anything I'll be in the house" she smiled kindly. "I assume you know where your going" she nodded back to the barn.

"Yes and once again thank you so much for your generosity" I smiled before walking off with the med kit to the barn. I quietly opened the door and entered, trying not to wake up the Captain as I did so. I turned back and closed the door upon entering but as I turned around again a blaster was pointed at my head.

"Sorry to wake you Captain" I apologized, taking in the fear on his face as it changed to relief upon hearing my voice in the darkness.

"Commander?" His tired voice questioned as he lowered the weapon. "What happened? Where are the boys?"

"Everyone is fine but we ran into some droids on the way to meet up with Kenobi" I started to explain, setting down the bag on the table after turning on the light. "That was when I got shot in the shoulder" I winced as I went to move and stumbled a bit.

"Here, sit down" Rex told me and I sat on a stool across from the table. I carefully pulled up the loose sleeve of my Jedi robes to get a closer look at the injury.

"Are there any scissors in that bag?" I asked Rex as the stubborn sleeve kept falling in my way.

"Yeah, here" he passed the tool over to me and I snipped off the sleeve, letting it drop to the floor before I continued to clean the wound. Rex watched carefully as I managed to patch myself up with ease.

"Well Captain, we have a long journey ahead of us tomorrow. We should both get some rest so that's we can help the others" I told him, moving to lay down on a stack of hay for the night.


Quiet footsteps and an odd feeling pulled me out of my sleep. Carefully opening my eyes I noticed a shadow grab a staff and point it in Rex's direction, obviously not noticing me off to the side. I watched as Rex too, opened his eyes but laid still, slowly moving his hand towards his blaster like he did when I entered. Quickly sitting up and pointing the blaster it was knocked from his hand with the staff. I shot up at this and ignited one of my sabers as I only had one good arm.

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