Chapter 46

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"General Krell, I respectfully request you reconsider court-martialing Fives and Jesse." Captain Rex stepped up to the General, desperate to save his brothers.

"The actions of ARC trooper 5555 and CT-5597 were a clear act of treachery and disregard for my command. If punishment isn't swift, their defiance may inspire others to follow suit." Krell explained his reasoning.

"Sir, the men are with you. It's just that some of them feel you're putting their lives in danger needlessly." Rex explained their reasoning.

"All the more reason to send a clear message that I am in charge and insubordination will not be tolerated. The truth is, these clones have had a difficult time respecting my command since the beginning. I've seen it before. Some clones are just defective. They aren't able to succumb to authority. You're right, Captain. I don't think I can court-martial them." Krell started. "It will only be a waste of time and that's something we don't have. I'm afraid they'll need to be disposed of." Krell turned around as Rexs jaw and mine both dropped at the words. "Prepare a squad for execution." Krell walked past the clone Captain.

"What? But, sir—"

"You heard me, Captain." Krell snapped "Have it done immediately, or I'll do it myself." The tall man stated.

"Rex" I tried to talk to him, but he just moved past me and into the elevator, waiting for me to follow him. We both stayed silent, exerting the brig to find his brothers, locked up and waiting to be executed.

"Fives, Jesse, I'm sorry. General Krell has ordered your execution immediately." Rex tells his brothers sadly, stepping towards them.

"What? But how? He can't do this!" Jesse protested.

"He has authority to render punishment during combat." I explained, not happy about it either, but stating the facts I knew.

"I can understand a court-martial and locking us up in the brig, but executing us?" Jesse panicked.

"I tried to convince him that it's my fault, but he wouldn't let me." Rex tried.

"Rex, you have to face it, he's been using you. He needs your loyalty to control the others." Fives stepped up this time. Rex stepped back as the wall closed down and another trooper stepped in to get them out.

"I won't let him get away with this." Rex promised.

"Ah, Don't beat yourself up about it. We made our choice. We knew what the price was." Fives said as they were walked out onto the elevator.

"Speak for yourself." Jesse snapped.

"Still got your sense of humor, I see." Fives laughed slightly.

"Yeah, who said I was joking?" Jesse asked back with seriousness.

"Well... I guess this is it." Fives sighed.

"Line up the prisoners." Dogma took charge as a line of troopers was formed outside for the execution squad.

"Well, I've officially lost my sense of humor." Jesse commented as we walked them out onto the base. I looked up to the tower to find Krell watching from his spot in the window. Fives and Jesse were placed in front of a wall, no armour on top to protect them.

"Will the prisoners request to be blindfolded?" Dogma stepped forward as if he was taunting them. "I'll take that as a no." He was met with stern faces.

"I hope you can live with yourself, Dogma." Fives growled at his brother harshly, feeling betrayed.

"Ready weapons." Dogma ordered as Rex and I took our places beside him. The clones followed their orders from Dogma, raising their blasters.

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