Chapter 89

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"Anakin!" I scolded, running past him in all his glory towards his clone Captain and Hunter.

"What?" He watched me run by before realizing what he had done. "Oh"

"Are you both alright?" I questioned as I stopped in front of them, both men pulling off their helmets, but I only looked to Rex.

"Yes, we are fine" Hunter commented, noticing how Rex wasn't going to respond as he was too busy looking back at me. "It's hard to compete with a Jedi." Hunter stated, talking about Skywalkers take down of the droid.

"Look, they are retreating!" Wrecker cheered as he pointed to the droid army running away.

"Thank you for helping us in our fight." I told the people as Tech translated for me.

"He said the Jedi will always have an ally here on Skako Minor." Tech translated back  for us. We nodded at them in respect before moving onto the ship again to go back to another battle.

"Rex. Thanks for coming after me." Echo stopped Rex from going into the ship as the rest of us walked on.

"That's what brothers do. I'm just sorry it took so long. Hopefully, it's gonna be just like old times." Rex placed a hand on his shoulder before walking into the ship with us.

"Yeah. Just like old times." Echo sighed with a small smile.


"Rex, can I talk to you?" Anakin walked past his Captain, nodding towards a back room on the ship.

"Yes, sir" Rex agreed, following the General, unaware of the topic that was about to arise.

"You like Lyra" Anakin stated, catching his captain off guard.

"What? No" Rex protested, looking over at me while I talked to Echo off to the side.

"Come on, you know about Padme and I. Im not mad Rex"

"Okay, maybe. But she has a code to follow and so do I"

"I have the same code as her" Anakin reminded.

"But you're different"

"How so?"

"You always break the rules and never listen to instructions while Lyra lives by the rules and facts and she would never disobey orders" Rex talked on about me with a smile creeping onto his features.

"You totally like her" Skywalker gushed.

"Sir?" Rex tried to talk him down and away from this topic.

"Rex likes Lyra, Rex likes Lyra" Anakin cheered to his Captain.

"Sir, be quiet!" Rex whisper shouted to him. "She could hear you"

"Well here she comes, time to make your move Captain" Anakin nudged him as I walked closer to the pair. I had suddenly force pushed Echo back, catching everybody in shock. "What's up with her?" He asked Rex quietly, but Rex had only sent him a glare before following after me as I walked by them and further into the back.

A few minutes earlier with Lyra.

"Earlier when we were waiting approval for the mission General Skywalker and Captain Rex seemed awfully suspicious" Hunter started to tell his crew of when Anakin and Rex snuck off to talk with Padmé.

"Suspicious how?" Tech inquired more information.

"Well the General said they had something important to do, suggesting something to the Captain who grew very flustered" Hunter continued his story.

"Good for the Captain" Crosshair commented smugly.

"Do you think they are-" Wrecker began to ask, looking over at the pair in the next room.

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