Chapter 54

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"I found their sniper, I need to see how this plays out" I calmly stated, still looking through the scope towards the office. "There" I smirked.

"What?" Obi Wan was struggling to follow my train of thought.

"There's a man in Organas office, I'll bet they are the sniper" I claimed confidently. "Let's go" I dropped the sniper and ran back towards out speeder, hurrying to catch the man. Obi Wan had flew the speeder towards the window, on his way to the landing pad when I stood in my seat.

"What are you doing?" He questioned, trying to stay focused on the speed lanes ahead. I shattered the glass with a push of the force, jumping out of the speeder to roll into the office.

"You can't be in here" the man panicked as he spotted me.

"I know you are the sniper and I'm here to arrest you, so let's make this easy"

"Good luck" they had pulled out a blaster, quickly shooting at me.

"I need backup in Senator Organas office!" I shouted through comm link while driving to take cover behind the desk.

"On my way" Commander Fox reported back.

"I'll try to keep him here" I huffed, igniting my lightsaber I stood from behind the desk only to watch the man fall before me. I defensively held my saber to the person who shot the man only to find Captain Rex pointing the blaster at me.

"General" he gasped, lowing the blaster immediately.

"What did you do?" I panicked, rushing to check the mans pulse.

"I only stunned him" Rex replied. "I heard the blaster shots and came to check it out before the men and I left for Alderaan, but it looks like we don't need to go anymore"

"Hands up! Drop your weapons!" Fox shouted as he and three more men rushed into the room. Rex and I both raised our hands to show we were not the danger in case the troopers got jumping and started taking shots.

"There is the sniper Commander" I nodded to the man stunned on the floor. "Please take him away" I gave them their orders, lowering my hands back to my sides.

"Yes, sir"

"There you are" Obi Wan ran into the room, coming to a slow as he watched Fox carry the sniper away. "Why did you do that?"

"He was going to get away" I shrugged back calmly.

"I always thought that Anakin would be the death of me, but I think you will be the death of yourself" Obi Wan claimed.


"What's our mission, Masters?" Anakin started with his question as the two of us were called in and now stood in front of the Jedi council.

"A threat on the senate gala there is, attend you two will" Yoda gurgled.

"Oh?" I showed my confusion towards the mission with a simple word.

"The senate gala that will take place tomorrow evening has been threatened, we are keeping the threat down low and providing you two as extra security as to not panic the citizens" Windu took over the explanation. "Skywalker, you will be attending as Senator Amidalas date, upon her suggestion and offer to help with the mission. Jayko, Captain Rex will be escorting you as your date while Senator Amidala will help you to prepare for the evening"

"Yes, Master" Anakin nodded.

"You two should go discuss the details of the evening with Amidala and Rex" Luminara prompted, leaving you to walk out of the council room together.

"Oooh, someone's blushing" Anakin taunted with a smirk as I kept quiet while we entered the hallway.

"Shut up" I scolded, continuing to walk. "Set up a meeting with Senator Amidala and your Captain" I instructed, turning off towards my quarters. After a few minutes of waiting in my quarters meditating, Anakin arrived at the door.

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