Chapter 79

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"Push forward!" Anakin waved his men forward as we fought side by side once again.

"Stay to my left." Tup told his brothers."Fives! Watch out!" Tup tackled his brother to the ground to avoid being shot at by a droid.

"Thanks, brother, I owe you one." Fives looked up at him while I had sliced down the droid who had tried to kill them.

"You owe me a lot more than one." Tup helped his brother up with the comment. They continued forward with the rest of us, taking on the droid army.

"Don't get too comfortable. This battle hasn't been won yet." Anakin reminded his men once we had reached the command Center of the ship and blocked ourselves in for a moment's break to plan the rest of the battle.

"Master Skywalker, we must get to the command post. Admiral Trench has sent for reinforcements. We must take this post before they arrive." The pink twin suggested her plan as she and her sister stood beside us. Compared to the older Jedi I felt like I was a padawan again, listening and following orders.

"It's time for phase two. We're at this position." Anakin started to brief his men as a holomap appeared in front of us. "Tiplar, you'll take your men down this passageway. Tiplee, you'll move along here. They'll have to divide their forces to counter us. And when they do, Rex and I will press through the middle. If we time it right, we'll all converge on this spot at the same time, and the droids won't know what hit them." Anakin explained his plan proudly.

"If we're making a run, we'll need backup. My men are severely depleted." Commander Doom explained.

"Fives, You and Tup take ten of your best men and support Master Tiplar with Lyra." Anakin ordered.

"We're on it, sir."

"Hey, you all right?" Fives nudged Tup who was holding his head in what seemed to be pain.

"Yeah, I... I just..." Tup tried to get the words out.

"Come on, this is a textbook battle. We've run through this a million times before in training." Fives said confidently.

"Yeah, I know... I just... I don't feel like myself." Tup explained.

"What do you mean?" Fives pressed sternly with worry.

"Follow me." The green twin ordered, me and her leading them all into the battle.

"Jedi." Tup darkly growled from behind.

"Tup? What's the matter with you?" Fives worried.

"Uh, no... Nothing. I'm fine. Come on, brother. Don't want to be left behind." Tup raced off after us to catch up. We all fought flawlessly together, taking down the droids all over the base.

We had reached the main fight where we had met up with the other groups, pressing onto the droid army in our attack.

"Don't fall back! Push forward!" Fives shouted back to the men as he stood behind me and shot at incoming droids while I deflected the shots coming back at us. I felt like things were more normal now that we were out in the midst of battle, fighting together for the republic.

"Tup! Hey! This is not the time to freeze up! Pull it together! We're almost to the finish line! Come on!" Fives reminded his brother as Tup simply knocked on his helmet to regain his thoughts. I pushed myself into the air, landing on top of a spider droid and stabbing my sabers into it. The droid began to topple over, signalling me to jump off and land to the ground again, continuing to deflect blaster bolts as I moved to be closer to the rest of our team again.

"Jedi... Good soldiers follow orders." Tup removed his helmet and casually walked forward into the battle.

"Hey, Tup!" Fives chased after his brother as he walked towards me with determination written on his features.

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