51| Do You Still Love Him?

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"I think something is wrong with Zara." Alhaji Umar Faruk thoughtfully said to his wife.

"What? did you noticed anything about her lately?" Hajiya Maryam asked.

"Yes, since the day the gift were brought, she's never been herself." Alhaji Umar Faruk said looking at his wife.

"Yes, I've also noticed that, and when I confronted her , she told me she's fine and i shouldn't worry." Hajiya Maryam said.

"There is something definitely wrong with my Princess, Hayatee , what do you think could be the reason behind her worries?" Alhaji Umar Faruk asked.

"Wedding jitters?" Hajiya Maryam said sounding more like a question than an answer.

"Definitely not, there must be something else and i will find out whatever it is , In Sha Allah."


"Bismillah , Sheikh please come in." Muhammad ushered the Mu'alim in.

He then made his way upstairs to call Mimi.

"Baby please, i told you there's nothing wrong with me, i am not possessed with jinns for goodness sake." Mimi cried.

"Calm down babe, it's alright, he just want to perform some Ruqya on you, that's all." Muhammad consoled hugging her.

She put on her hijab and they left the room together hand in hand.

After they exchanged pleasantries with the Mu'alim . The Mu'alim proceeded and started reciting the Holy Qur'an at Mimi.

After two hours but still there isn't any weird reaction from her, he looked at Muhammad before saying.

"I think she's not possessed with Jinns, because had it been she is , she would have reacted." The Mu'alim said.

Muhammad thanked the Mu'alim and he left.

"I told you there's nothing wrong with me but you wouldn't listen." Mimi said with a pout.

"I'm sorry babe." Muhammad said and hugged her patting her hair. He isn't still convinced. There's something hidden behind.

But what could that be? He thought.

"C'mon take him away, I can't deal with his cries anymore, I'm tired." Nafida said gesturing for the maid to take Faraaz away.

"Okay Hajiya." The maid said and wanted to pick Faraaz but he refused and clanged to his mother.

"What's wrong with you Faraaz , go with her!" Nafida yelled at the one year old child.

"What's going on here, come here baby." Mahmud said coming into the room and stretched his arms towards Faraaz which he gladly welcomed his father's arms.

"Leave." Mahmud said to the maid which she duck her head down and left.

Just in Fareed and Fareeda came into the room squealing.
"Daddy! Daddy." They said hugging their father. They didn't even spared Nafida a glance.

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