26| A Bad Mother

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Where are the night owls??
An update for you guys
Enjoy .


Nafida hissed for the umpteenth time looking for the pregnancy test kit.

After so many searches and whatnot she finally found it.

She hastily entered the bathroom and came back few minutes later with tears in her eyes.

Shikenan. She's done for, this explains the cravings the change of mood, the additional weight.

"Innanillahi wa'ina ilaihi raji'un"  That's what she's been reciting since she came out of the bathroom.

"There is no way I'm gonna keep this pregnancy no way" She said and let out a loud wail.

Just in Fareed and Fareeda came into the room with their uniforms still on.

Fareed in his knee length Ash trouser and his sky blue shirt well tucked in and his tie well knot .

While Fareeda in her knee length Ash skirt too and a sky blue shirt well tucked in and her tie well knot too and her hair neatily pack in a bun.

They look so cute and neat like they weren't just coming back from school.

At the age of nine the kids were already in Grade five and performs very well in school.

Everyone in the School loves the twins because of how neat , cute and intelligent they are.

They just came back from school feeling giddy and happy because they both took the first position in their class and wanted to celebrate with their mother.

"Mummy , Mummy we are back! you know me and Fareed both took the first position in our class." Fareeda said and hugged her mother.

Nafida uses all the strength she has and pushed Fareeda away making her to fall on the ground.

Fareed quickly moved to where his sister is and help her up.

"Mummy why did you pushed Fareeda , look her mouth is bleeding" Fareed said hugging his twin sister.

"Are you okay Fareeda?"

Fareed asked Fareeda which eyes is now filled with tears looking at her mother.

Their mother never cared for them ever since they were small. She is always too busy making money , She is always travelling from one country to another or too busy with her Plazas and Restaurants that she never spends time with her own children.

She doesn't even know their likes and dislikes and anything about them. According to her she has done her job by giving birth to them.

"What's wrong with you both just leave my room I'm in no mood" Nafida thunders .

"But Mummy look Fareeda's mouth is bleeding you should at least attend to her" Fareed said.

"Just shut up!!" Nafida thundered making the poor kids to flinch.

"You have no idea how angry I am right now and it's all your Daddy's fault just go away I hate you all" She gritted.

"Come to your Daddy my babies" Mahmud said from behind them making all of them to turn and face him.

He's been standing at the door for the past ten minutes. He heared and saw all what his wife said and did.

"Daddy" The kids squealed and ran to him with tears in their eyes.

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