22| The Sudden Appearance

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"Know that the ungrateful are never successful"

Qur'an [28:82]

"Are you even listening to me Dinah " Hajiya Ruqayyah said.

"Yes Ammie no more drugs, always look good, bath three times, blah blah blah isn't that what you said Ammie" Dinah said.

"Yes silly this are all the things you are expected to do when you get married " Hajiya Ruqayyah said.

"And mind you if not you would see him getting married to another woman right under your nose" Hajiya Ruqayyah added.

"He wouldn't dare Ammie" Dinah said.

"Toh is better you do all this things I'm telling you now" Hajiya Ruqayyah said.

"In shaa Allah Ammie na" Dinah said and hugged her mother.

"And the most important part Dinah don't just sit and wait for him to give you money Dinah use your intelligence and collect money from him and when I say money I don't mean thousands.

I mean millions you have the body, use it my girl collect money and invest if possible let all the property be in your name they are freaking rich Dinah" Hajiya Ruqayyah ranted.

"God Ammie I don't love Yaya for his or his father's money I only love him and Ammie why do you even care about money so much Father is also rich, he's a Senator for crying out loud he has many petrol stations , companies and whatnot and you are still wanting more you have everything in the blink of an eye you travell to any country you wish you wear the designer outfit you wear expensive jewelries you drive expensive cars even the president wife won't compete with you but you are still wanting for more" Dinah said.

"Shut the heck up Dinah! am I your mate just because I'm telling you something that would help you and me that's why you are saying rubbish right?" Hajiya Ruqayyah thundered.

"But Ammie Adda Dinah is right you don't lack anything yet you are still looking for more" Hanifah said.

"Just shut up your mouth useless girl now leave this room Hanifah " Hajiya Ruqayyah yelled.

Hanifah stood and left the room muttering some incoherent words to herself.

"And you back to you yeh yeh yeh yeh Father is rich yeh yeh yeh your father is not as rich as Faisal's father so you better come back to your senses don't you see how you elder sister Nafida has everything see how her business is going Nationwide .

She has different plazas and restaurants, her father in-law is one of the top most reaches business man in afrca she has everything,  all her husband's properties are in her name how I wish Mahmud is the eldest not Muhammad he would have been the CEO of their company and he could have even been more richer but even though he is the MD not the CEO .

He is still freaking rich and give your sister whatever she wants even before asking him didn't you see what she gifted me on my birthday Dinah she gifted me five freaking Plazas! don't you also want to make me happy my love" Hajiya Ruqayyah said cupping Dinah's face.

"I want Ammie" Dinah said.

"Yauwa that's my daughter you see Faisal's father is one of the top business man he is soo rich I don't even know what someone would do with all that money he has , so I want you to also be like your sister my love oh how I wish Faisal has a younger brother I would have hooked him with Hanifah too" She said sighing dreamily.

"Don't worry Ammie I promise I would do all what you tell me"Dinah said.

"Aww that's like my daughter thank you Dinah my love" Hajiya Ruqayyah said drawing Dinah to her bosom.

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