30: Out On The Patio

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Mason's P.O.V.

"Come on," I say pulling Jewls out onto the patio.

We get out to the patio and there are gold Christmas lights swinging in the wind above us. I sort of want to find a private spot, but there are so many other couples out here.

"So what are we doing out here?" Jewls asks.

I look over at her beautiful rosy cheeks that match her slightly red nose. Gosh she is so freaking cute. She really has no idea the effect she has on me. "Uh... let's go to the edge."

We walk over to the edge of the patio where you can look down all the flights of the hotel to the ground. "Wow we're up high," Jewls says shivering.

"Are you cold?" I begin to take off my jacket to give to her.

"No, no it's not that. It's the fact that we're up so high. You should no, I've always been afraid of heights," she laughs. Her giggle is so soothing to me. It warms up my heart enough to last me through a blizzard.

"I would never let you fall," I say.

"Oh my hero," Jewls says sarcastically.

"You better remember that," I say. She usually shoots down what I say, but I know it's because she's not a real lovey-dovey person and that's why I love her. Wait! Did I just say I love her?! Check yourself Mason, are you sure you're not sick? Love? Like real love, love?!

"What's wrong?" Jewls asks breaking me from my thoughts.

"What? Oh nothing is wrong, everything is absolutely perfect," I smile to her.

"Mhmm sure," she rolls her eyes. She can always tell when I'm lying.

"I'm serious. Everything is perfect," I repeat myself and for the first time in my life it is.

"Good because that's how it is for me too," she smiles. The second smile hits me harder than the first one. How had I never noticed her beauty? "You're being quiet again."

Without any hesitation I lean in and kiss her. She's everything I've ever wanted for a long time and is everything I need for the future. I close my eyes as butterflies flutter through my body. I know, girly right? Well that's what Jewls does to me, she brings out this other romantic side of me that I never knew was there in the first place.

"What was that for?" She asks.

"That was because I could. It's been hard sitting next to you and not being able to do that," I smile broadly. I pull her into my arms and hug her tightly. "Like I said I'll never let you fall."

"I trust you," She says squeezing my arms tihgter. Her back fits perfectly into my chest, which I never could've guessed since she's a little curvier than my other girlfriends. Oh those beautiful curves I've fallen in love with.

"Hey give me a sec, I'll be right back," I walk back inside and ask a few guys I find on the dance floor if they can help me out with something.

We walk back outside after about five minutes and Jewls notices the six boys behind me.

"Mason what's going on?" Jewls asks nervously.

The boys line up in a certain order and one by one they say:







I step forward from the line and ask, "Me?"

She puts her hands over her mouth in shock, "Are you serious?"

"Uh... yeah I think so," I laugh.

"Of course I'll go to prom with you!" Jewls jumps into my arms.

"Thanks guys," I look over to the guys and smile. They all smile and their dates aww and act very girly.

"So prom-posal in New York? I can't wait to totally go and tell all the girls at school that I have a prom date to Junior Prom!" Jewls screams really girly.

"Oh gosh please don't be that girl, I will take back the proposal," I pull away from her grasp.

"You wouldn't dare," Jewls rolls her eyes and crosses her arms.

I give her a quick glance and refuse to be the weaker one, but I can't help it much longer and pull her gorgeous body into mine, "You're right I'd never dare to take it back." I swoop in and kiss her passionately, I'm the luckiest guy anywhere.

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