25: Don't Go

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"This is one of the most fun nights I've had this year," Esmerelda sighs laying besides Dimitri on the couch.

"What do you mean? Stressful year?"

"Yeah do you remember your senior year?"

"Yeah that was insane," Dimitri says.

"Shh I don't wanna talk about school or my school year," Esmerelda laughs.

"Okay fair enough," he says, "What do you wanna do?"

"Hmm," Esmerelda thinks to herself. Without a word she jumps up from the couch and walks into the kitchen area.
"Ooo you have fun foods," she laughs.

"What does that mean?"

"Well you have the inappropriate food that can be used for someone special in the future or some fun ones for a fun night."

"Well which is which?" Dimitri asks, "Since you seem to be such an expert."

"Me?! An expert?! How dare you," Esmerelda laughs. "For your information everybody knows that strawberries and whipped cream falls under inappropriate. The fun food that you have is these marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers... do you know what that makes?"

"S'mores, but how there's no fire," Dimitri says.

"That's where the stove comes in," she turns on the burner, grabs a match, and starts the fire on the stove. "How high should we turn on the burner?"

"Not too high I don't want you burning down the apartment," Dimitri laughs.

"Are you kidding me?! These are gonna taste amazing, just watch."

They both grab a fork and a marshmallow and roast them above the fire. Dimitri's quickly caught fire and burnt. "Wow I suck at this."

"Yup, look how great mine came out," Esmerelda holds up a perfectly roasted marshmallow.

"Guess we are gonna have to share yours," Dimitri smiles.

"Ugh fine," Esmerelda rolls her eyes sarcastically. After making the s'more she takes one bite and a disgusted look crosses over her, "Oh my gosh this is gross."

Dimitri grabs it and takes a bite, "Oh gosh you're right."

"I know I am,". Esmerelda says spitting the bite into a napkin.

"Wow you suck at making s'mores. I can taste the gas," Dimitri laughs.

"Shut up," Esmerelda laughs, "It's because of your stove."

"Okay I guess your right," Dimitri leans and reaches behind Esmerelda to turn off the stove. They were now face to face.

Esmerelda looks deep into Dimitri's eyes and sees adrenaline rushing through his entire body. She feels her heart beat faster at her desire for him. His right hand scoops behind her head and the other pulls her in by her waist. Their lips meet fiercely and Esmeralda's hands wrapped around Dimitri's neck in an instant.
Dimitri pulls them both into the living room and sits them down on the couch. He lays back and pulls Esmerelda on top of him. Esmerelda feels self cautious about laying on top of him, but when she pulls back a little he pulls her down harder. She feels his hands running up and down her back. Then his hands slip under her shirt and she giggles at the feeling of his cold fingers crawling up her bare skin. He reaches he bra strap, but then hesitates.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Uh, I don't think we should..." he trails off looking sadly into her eyes.

"Oh I'm sorry," she gets up off of him and sits on the other side of the couch.

"No Esmerelda it's not you, it's just earlier you told me you're not that kinda girl and I am still sorta your teacher. Trust me I want you bad, but I don't want to hurt you."

Esmerelda sits quietly and then turns to him and says, "You're right and thank you. Your really are perfect."

"Great look you've made a mess of my hormones," Dimitri laughs sheepishly. "Should I get you home? I can't stand the temptation."

"Yeah that's probably a good idea and the temptation is strong from my side too."

They pull up about a street away from Esmerelda's house. "I can probably only bring you up to the corner," Dimitri says.


"Because I'm positive that you didn't tell Jewls that you were going on a date with the teacher's aid."

"Oh yeah you're right."
They both get out of the car Dimitri grabs a pen and a random piece of paper and wrote something down,

"Here, it's my number."

"Are you sure I should have this?"

"I'm absolutely positive," Dimitri smiles and pulls her into a huge hug, "I mean we did almost sleep together, so why not?"

"Shhhh don't say that too loud," Esmerelda puts a finger on his lips.
Dimitri giggles and kisses her finger softly, "I won't ever forget this night."

"Neither will I," Esmerelda says putting her head into his chest, "How am I going to resist you when we are at school back on Monday?"

"Now that's my problem to worry about."

"Your problem?" Esmerelda asks.

"Yeah you're a girl, you girls can control yourselves around temptations. Us boys on the other hand cannot. So yeah, my problem," Dimitri says looking over Esmerelda's head.

"Well I guess Monday will be difficult for the both of us," Esmerelda laughs,
"I should probably get going."

"Okay but text me if anything," Dimitri sighs.

"Of course," Esmerelda leans in and pecks him on the lips.

The two go their separate ways for the night.

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