13: Jewls' Crazy Moment

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"Hey Jewls," Mason calls.

She turns around before walking into her history class, "Oh hey what's up Mason?"

"Well I wanted to talk about this past weekend," he scratches the back of his head.

Jewls suddenly feels a little nervous and tells him to meet her in the band room at lunch. All through class all Jewls could think about is what Mason could possibly want to talk about. Does he hate her now for kissing him? Had he regretted the whole weekend? Did he not want to be friends anymore?


Lunch had finally come and Jewls awaits nervously in the band room.

"Is anyone in here?" Mason asks standing in the doorway.

"No but some should be coming. There probably just grabbing their lunches," she answers.

He slowly shuts the band door behind him nervously. He walks over to Jewls and she rises up. "Please Jewls don't hate me for this," he says. Suddenly he grabs both sides of her face and pulls her in into a big kiss. She is in shock, but does not react quickly.

After a few seconds she pulls away and says, "Are you crazy?!"

All Mason manages to get out is, "Damn it!" He begins to pace through the band room, "I was fearing this would happen."

"What? What happened? You kissed me," Jewls begins to ramble, "Why?"

"I kissed you because I wanted to see if the feelings are still here."

"What feelings?"

"I'm thinking about breaking up with Saphira," Mason says worriedly.

"What?! Are you crazy?! You two have been together for like a year already," Jewls exclaims in shock.

"My feelings for her have been shaken up from this past weekend." Mason rambles on, "I haven't been able to make up my mind."

"Make up your mind on what?" Jewls asks.

"Make my mind up on you," he blurts out, "What I mean is that I like you."

"Well I had hoped so we're best friends."

"Jewls I think you and I both know that's not exactly what I had meant," Mason says.

Jewls knew exactly what he meant, but did not want to face it. She sits nervously as Mason tries to put his words together.

"Jewls I think I like you more than a friend..." he says, "What I mean is I Know I like you more than a friend... I don't know what it is, but for some reason when I saw you in class on Friday it was like seeing a different person. I mean, uh, it was you, but like a different side of you. A side that I guess has always been there, but I've just never noticed."

All Jewls could think is how glad she was that she was not the only one who had seen a change.

Mason continues, "Is this too weird? I really don't wanna mess up our friendship!"

"I know what you're saying... About everything actually," Jewls begins, "When I saw you that day I saw a change too, I just didn't want to be the only one. And I didn't want to ruin our friendship or your relationship by saying something. No matter what we decide we need to make sure we always stay friends."

"Its funny how one day your my sister and another day I want you to be my..." Mason trails off.

"Be your what?" Jewls asks, even though she can figure out where it's going.

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