41: Dimitri's POV

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"How is she?" I ask Jewls over the phone. It's only been a couple hours and I feel panicky. My emotions are eating me alive. This was my fault! 

"Dimitri..." Jewls trails off hesitantly.

"What? What is it?!" I ask impatiently. She stays quiet for a few seconds, which to me feels like hours. "Jewls!"

"She's in a coma," I can hear her quietly begin to sob, "And they don't know if she's gonna wake up."

The words hit me like a ton of bricks and the phone drops out of my hand. Coma, if she'll ever wake up. If. Not when! I pick the phone back up and ask Jewls, "Are your parents still there?" 

"Yes, they're going to be here all night, so it's probably best if you just stay away," she sniffles through her words. 

I hang up the phone without saying goodbye and as soon the call ends, I throw my phone across the room. The second the phone smashes into the wall, I ask myself why did I do that? I realize that I'm angry. "Why can't I go see the one I love?" Tears fill my eyes and I can feel anger and sadness fighting within me. 

I begin to pace back and forth thinking about how I am going to see Esmerelda. I will see her... Tonight!



"Hello? Dimitri? Jewls?" Esmerelda yells into the void of her subconscious. "Jewls." The second the name slips through her lips, Esmerelda's mind fills with memories of her and Jewls.

"Esmerelda?" Jewls' voice comes from the darkness and Esmerelda runs towards it until she runs into someone.

"Jewls is that you?" Esmerelda asks as tears gloss over her eyes.

"Oh, my gosh Esmerelda!" Jewls hugs Esmerelda tightly. "Where have you been? What is this place?" 

"Me?  Where have you been?" Esmerelda asks. "And I don't know where I am. Do you?"

"No," she says, "But we need to get you back."

"Well, how did you get here?" 

"I don't know, I'm just here and don't know how I'm going to get out." 

"Help me remember."

"I can't. Have you seen anyone else here?"


"Dimitri was in here?" Jewls asks almost angry. "What was he doing here?"

"I don't know, he just appeared and helped me remember the accident," Esmerelda says.

"You remember the accident?"

"All I remember was that I was in one, nothing else."

"Just keep trying to remember," Jewls begins to pull away and disappears.

"Why? Why am I here? Why does everyone I love keep getting pulled out of my arms?" Esmerelda begins to question as she walks around in the dark. 



"Yes, I'm here to see Esmerelda Heyward," Dimitri says to the nurse at the front desk with flowers in hand.

"Visiting hour ends in ten minutes," she says.

"Perfect, that's enough time," Dimitri begins to walk quickly towards Esmerelda's room. 

He gets to the room and sees Esmerelda's body on the bed, still and almost life-less. "Who are you?" A man says rising up from a chair in the corner of the room.

"You must be Esmerelda's father," Dimitri says with his heart pounding in his chest.

"Yes, I am, now who are you?" The man asks sternly. 

"Oh I'm sorry, I'm Dimitri, Dimitri Dorzen," Dimitri sticks his hand out for Mr.Heyward to shake. Mr.Heyward stays silent and doesn't shake Dimitri's hand. "I'm Esmerelda's T.A."


"Teacher's assistant for her band director," he explains, "I'm learning to become a band director myself."

"And the flowers?"

"Oh, these? These are from the band," Dimitri rambles, "For Esmerelda."

"That's very nice of them, but why did you bring them?"

Dimitri's eyes widen and he feels his heart drop. "Well, Mr.Skythe was supposed to bring them, but he had a couple errands to run." 

"Well, thank you for the flowers," Mr.Heyward takes the flowers out of Dimitri's hands and Dimitri feels nerves run through his body.

"Mr.Dorzen?" Jewls walks through the doorway. 

"Hey, Jewls," Dimitri says gratefully that she's there to lessen the tension, but turns red the second he realizes she is followed by her mother, Mrs.Heyward. "You must be Mrs.Heyward. I'm Mr.Dorzen, I'm the teacher's assistant for the band."

"Oh, it's nice to finally meet you. Esmerelda talks about you all the time," she shakes his hand as he turns pale.

"All good, I hope," Dimitri says instantly regretting it.

"Yes," Mrs. Heyward says skeptically staring at him, "You're one of her favorite teachers." 

"Really? I really appreciate it," he says uneasily. "So how is she doing?"

"Still no sign of consciousness," Mr.Heyward says. 

"It's not your fault, it was an accident," Jewls says making both of her parents look over at Dimitri. 

"I know, but it's still sad," Dimitri says. 

"Well, it's not like she's dead," Mr.Heyward says defensively.

Great, you made it sound like you were at  a funeral, Dimitri thinks to himself, "No, of course not. I'm sure she'll come right out of this. She's a strong girl."

"Yes, she is," Mrs.Heyward agrees.

"She's a fighter," Mr.Heyward adds, "It runs in the family."

Dimitri nods awkwardly and then says, "I hope everything works out for the better. I think visiting hours is over, so I'm gonna get going."

"Good idea," Mr.Heyward says sharply.

"It was nice meeting you," Mrs.Heyward says.

"You too," he smiles to her.

"I'll see you in class," Jewls says.

"Bright and early," he says, trying not to sound hurt. 

He turns to leave and as he reaches the door he hears, "Mr.Dorzen." He turns around and sees Mr.Heyward staring back at him.

"Yes, Mr.Heyward?"

"Thank you," he says almost kindly as if he let down his guard, "Thank you for caring enough to visit."

"Anytime," Dimitri smiles and then he turns back and leaves. 

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