27: Four Weeks Later

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The month of December flies by and the Christmas vacation was now closing to an end. Jewls invited Mason to dinner and her parents approved. They were grateful that it was someone they've known already and already liked. Esmerelda still was a little skeptical and decided she'd stay on Mason's case about that one night. So yes, it was that easy for the parents anyway. It's December thirty-first and Esmerelda is standing in Time Square in New York waiting for the countdown to begin.

"Has it started yet?" Dimitri returns next to her with two hot chocolates in his hands.

"Ooo thanks and no it hasn't yet," Esmerelda takes a sip of her drink, "What is your New Years Resolution?"

"Hmm I don't think I have one," Dimitri says, "Today, exactly one year ago, I told myself that I'd find the girl of my dreams... and I did. Who would've thought she'd be a student?"

"Yeah I know it's insane and all this sneaking around has been insane too," Esmerelda smiles nervously.

"I know, but I told you, you can tell your parents at any time," Dimitri says.

"What a liar! You know I can't do that," Esmerelda says, "If I told them I was dating an assistant teacher they'll completely freak out. They won't be able to see you as just a college student who's a few years old than me. They'll see you as a teacher-an adult- and me as a student-a child. They'd go straight to Mr.Skythe and then straight to the police. I'd never do that to you."

"You're right... How about college?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well if you and I go to the same college, we could be together and we can tell your parents we met the 'old-fashioned' way," Dimitri smiles.

"I'd love that, but one problem with that is I'D NEVER GET INTO NIATA!"

"Don't doubt yourself, you're an amazing Sax player, I've heard you in Jazz Band," Dimitri wraps his arm around her.

"Thanks, but I'm not sure if I even wanna do music in college."

"Are you insane? You're amazing at it and it's what brought us together."

"I'll think about it," She laughs. "I mean even if I did it'd be so weird telling people we go out now. Coincidently after I graduate and after you were my teacher for a few months."

"Well I mean we'll be going out anyway when you graduate, right?" Dimitri asks with a worried look.

"Yes, but it's still gonna be weird. I don't plan on telling them right away. I mean it was so hard convincing my parents to let me go to New York without them."

"What did you tell them by the way?"

"Well Jewls was invited here by Mason's family and I tagged along. My parents didn't want me to be a burden on Mason's parents so I had to beg them and I told them I'd be watching over Jewls," Esmerelda laughs.

"Wait Jewls is here?" Dimitri asks worriedly.

"In the state, yes. But as in area, no. Right now she's out to dinner about 20 minutes away from here actually. I told them that I really wanted to see the ball drop and that I'd meet them back at the hotel before sunrise," Esmerelda explains.

"So we have until sunrise?"

"Don't get too excited," Esmerelda smiles.

"Why not? It is a new year... new opportunities to explore, new risks to take, perhaps a heartbreak or two, or maybe new love?" Dimitri tries to say romantically.

"Wow that's so adorable," Esmerelda blushes.

"Look at the clock," Dimitri says, "The last minute."

"Any resolution?"

"Only to make sure that you get the future you deserve," Dimitri says, "Apply to Niata, promise me."

"I promise," Esmerelda says staring deeply into Dimitri's eyes. She can tell he's not joking.

"TEN...NINE...SEVEN...FIVE...THREE...ONE...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!" The city burst into cheers so loud the ground shakes beneath the citizens' feet.

Esmerelda is spun around so quickly that she doesn't even know what is happening. One second she's looking up at the fireworks and the next her and Dimitri are making fireworks of their own. Their lips lock together tighter than a bank's vault. Esmerelda's eyes slowly shutter open and there stands Dimitri with an almost wild look in his eyes.

Esmerelda begins to feel a little nervous and self cautious. Had I done something wrong? Is it my breath? Does he not wanna be with me? She thinks to herself.

"Essie!" Dimitri yells over all of the cheering and screaming.

"Yeah?" Esmerelda yells back.

There is a slight pause, hesitation. Dimitri yells, "I LOVE YOU!"

Esmerelda almost thinks she hasn't heard correctly and asks him to repeat. "What did you say?!"

He pulls her up against him by her waist and brings his lips up to her ear, "I said I Love You."

Esmerelda instantly blushes and feels her heart melt. She says nothing and pulls him into a huge hug. Then she whispers in his ear, "I love you too."


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