39: Where's Esmerelda?

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"Esmerelda," Esmerelda hears her name being called from a distance.

"Hello?!" She yells back. Her surroundings are so dark that she isn't quite sure if her eyes are even open. 

"Esmerelda! Where are you?" The voice sounds vaguely familiar. 

Esmerelda hesitates to answer because she doesn't know the voice too clearly, but answers, "I'm over here!"

She hears running footsteps approach, which makes her heart beat speed up, "Where?" It's a boy's voice.

"Right here," she says knowing that the voice is close. The footsteps approach even closer and then abruptly stop, "You found me." She stares into the darkness hoping that her eyes will adjust, but they don't.

She feels a hand bump against hers and she grabs it. If I'm gonna be in this darkness, at least I won't be alone. The guy pulls her into him and she asks, "What are doing?" She inhales the scent of his chest and only remembers the scent from one place that she didn't even notice had a scent until now, Dimitri's apartment.

"Recognize me?" He asks.

"Dimitri!" She jumps onto him, giving him an even stronger hug.

"I knew you would," Dimitri grabs her face and pulls her into a kiss.

"Thank God you're here!" Esmerelda says looking up into nothing, "Where am I?"

"I don't know, you got lost," he says. 

"Lost?" Esmerelda asks.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Dimitri asks. 

"Just waking up here," she says, "But when I got your scent the memory of us in your apartment popped up in my memory." 

"So as of right now, that's the only memory you have?" There is worry in his voice.

"Yeah, all I know is that my name is Esmerelda, you're Dimitri, and that I'm in love with you," she snuggles her face into his chest and every memory of them rushes back to her. "Hey I'm just starting to remember our kiss in the closet and our time in the hotel room. Do you know how I got here?"

"I do, but I can't tell you," he sighs.

"Why not?" She steps back from him feeling betrayed.

"Esmerelda, all I know is what you know," he wraps his arms around her waist, "It's up to you to remember what happened."

"And what if I can't?! Huh?! Then what do I do? I'm just stuck here for the rest of my life?" She pulls away from him completely and begins to cry. Dimitri is silent and Esmerelda asks, "Am I dead?"

"What?" Dimitri asks.

"Oh gosh are we both dead?!" Esmerelda begins to panic. "Were we together when we died? Is this Heaven? Hell?! How did we die? Were we in some kind of accident?" She stops in an instant. Accident,  it rings in her mind, "I was in an accident, wasn't I?"

"Yes, you were," he says through wobbly lips.

"It was a car accident," she says in shock, "I was talking on the phone and swerved into the other lane and a car was there that's all I remember."

"I know."

"Then why didn't you tell me?" Esmerelda asks.

"Because I..." He trails off.

"Because you didn't want to hurt me?" She says calmly. "Instead you want me to stay in this awful place?!"

"Are you crazy?! I don't want you to stay here!" Dimitri exclaims, reaching out for her.

"Then why'd you keep one step of my getting out of here from me?" She pushes away his hand. 

"Like I said, all I know is what you allow me to know," he sighs.

"What are you talking about?" 

"I can't say, but I know you'll be able to figure it out," Dimitri says pulling  her into his chest once again. "I know you'll find your way out of this place." He steps back making their only contact hand holding. 

"What do you mean you'll don't you mean we'll?" She asks in horror. Dimitri stays quiet and drops her hands. "Dimitri what are you doing?"

"I'm leaving," he says fighting back tears.

"But don't you love me?" She reaches out for him.

"What kind of question is that?" He begins to sob, "Of course I love you... That's why I'm leaving." He pulls completely out of her reach, turns around and walks off. 

"Dimitri?" Esmerelda whispers suddenly terrified.


"Dimitri!" She runs in the direction he left in, or that she thinks he left in. She lunges forward, but her hands grasp nothing. She drops her face into her hands and lets out a loud cry. At the same moment, her legs give out from under her and she falls to the floor.

All she's left is the memories of Dimitri, the dreadful experience before the accident, and the fresh stinging memory of what just happened.

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