23: Dimitri's Place

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"So that was closer than I would've liked it to be," Esmerelda says.

"Yeah I'm sorry about that," Dimitri says, "So this is me." Dimitri points to an apartment building.

"An apartment?" Esmerelda smiles.

"Now you're gonna make fun of me?" Dimitri asks sarcastically.

"No! I'm sorry for laughing," Esmerelda apologizes.

"Okay I accept your apology, ahh maybe not," Dimitri says changing his mind.

"What? You don't accept my apology?"

"Nope not without an apology gift," Dimitri pokes his cheek.

"Wow, okay fine," Esmerelda smiles. She leans in and he turns his head quickly. Their lips meet and his hands come up and grab her face. Butterflies fly between the both of them. "So do you accept my apology now?"

"Yeah it's getting there," Dimitri laughs. Esmerelda hits him playfully and he asks, "Do you wanna come up?"

"That usually doesn't end up well in the movies," Esmerelda blushes.

"Yeah, but this is not a movie," Dimitri smirks.

"Sure does seem like it. I mean just being a chubby girl and finding a guy is a movie line. But it doesn't stop there because I'm now with a teacher," Esmerelda says.

"Yeah, but only in school," Dimitri winks at her. He wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her onto him. Their stomachs touch, but their chests do not.

"So I'm only chubby in school?"

"Come on you know what I meant. And stop it you're not chubby," he leans in to kiss her.

Esmerelda pulls her head back and laughs, "You're such a bad liar."

"Not even, you're perfect size," he squeezes her tightly up against him, "Come on let's go."


"Wow this is so cute," Esmerelda smiles as she looks around. It's bigger than she had imagined. She notices a wrap around couch that look so comfortable, which sits across from a 52" plasma screen.

"Yeah my apartment is pretty pathetic, it's an "L" shaped," Dimitri laughs closing the door.

"It's adorable and it's perfect size," Esmerelda smiles.

"Yeah just like you," Dimitri grabs Esmerelda from behind and rests his head on her shoulder. Esmerelda feels her cheeks get warm.

"How are you able to give me butterflies EVERYWHERE?" Esmerelda laughs.

"Because we just fit together," Dimitri whispers in her ear.

"Stop that tickles!" Esmerelda pulls away laughing.

"Come back here," Dimitri pulls her arm.

"Why?" Esmerelda asks playfully being pulled back into Dimitri's arms.

"Because we fit together and I never wanna let you go."

"And I never want you to let me go," Esmerelda says.

"I love your laugh," Dimitri smiles with Esmerelda tightly wrapped in his arms.

"Well I love your arms," Esmerelda feels safe and for that second all of her senior stress melts away.

"That's a good thing, since they seem to really like you too," Dimitri squeezes Esmerelda a little tighter and then lets go saying, "Wow let me actually be a freaking host. Do you want something to drink?"

"What do you have?" Esmerelda walks over to the couch and sits.

"Well I have champaigne, but you are only seventeen and I'm barely twenty-one. So that'll have to go, how about soda?"

"Yeah sure," Esmerelda smiles. Dimitri walks over with the two cans and sits next to her. She grabs one, "Actually I'm eighteen."

"Really? Then why are we stressed? This is all legal," Dimitri takes a sip of his soda.

"We're stressed because you're still my teacher," Esmerelda says nervously.

"Oh right that's a thing," they both laugh.

"What did you mean earlier?" Esmerelda changes the subject.

"What do you mean?"

"Well after saying I was seventeen you said you are barely twenty-one," Esmerelda says.

"Oh yeah what I meant was that I've only been twenty-one for like two days," Dimitri explains.

"Your birthday was this week?"

"Yeah, Wednesday actually."

"No way why didn't you tell me?!"

"We can't; teachers are usually required to keep things like that quiet from their students," he says, "Well they're more like requested not to."

"Yeah thay're also required not to fraternize with their students either, but that didn't stop you," Esmerelda laughs.

"You're right, I should've just told you about it," Dimitri scratches the back of his head.

"I could've given you a proper birthday gift," Esmerelda winks at Dimitri and then laughs, "I'm just kidding I'm not that kind of girl, but I would've liked to get you something though."

"Nah, I wouldn't have wanted you to get me somethng because what I've wanted I already got tonight," Dimitri blushes.

"And what's that?"

"I got to take you out in public on a date, kiss you in public, hold you in my arms, and hear your beautiful laugh just for myself."

"Well then," Esmerelda manages to get out through her huge goofy smile, "Then I guess all I can say is Happy Birthday."

"Thank You," Dimitri says. He leans in and kisses her softly.

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