38: Let's Get There

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"Come on, I'll take you to her," Dimitri says as he walks to his car.

"I'm not getting in your car," Jewls crosses her arms over her chest.

"Come on Jewls, you've never been this cold to me," he sighs.

"Yeah, that was before you screwed my sister!"

"Your sister and I never had sex," he says, "I wouldn't do that." 

"So you weren't forcing her to make-out with you?" Jewls asks angrily.

"What? No!"

"And you didn't threaten her to spend New Years' Eve with you?"

"No, Jewls! No one was forcing or threatening Esmerelda to do anything," Dimitri yells basically across the parking lot, "Jewls please get in the car. We have to help Esmerelda."

Jewls still feels a reluctance, but the sadness and fear of what has happened to Esmerelda push her into the car.

Dimitri pulls out of the lot. "So what happened?" Jewls squeaks.

"She was in a car accident, I'm assuming head-on because the guy on the phone said that the front bumper was bent inward," he says to her. 

"I meant between you and Esmerelda," Jewls says feeling bad that she isn't reacting to the news as she should. "When did it all start?"

"Honestly, the first day we met," he gives her a sad smile. 

"You expect me to believe that you and my sister had love at first sight?

"I don't expect you to believe anything I say, but it's exactly what happened."

"Okay, and who made the first move?" Jewls asks hoping that it wasn't Esmerelda.

"Well Esmerelda started with the flirting, but I kissed her first."

"And how'd she respond to that?" Jewls rolls her eyes.

"I don't think I need to tell you all of this, but since you are her sister I will," Dimitri looks over at her skeptically, "At first she was in shock and stepped away, which scared the hell out of me because you know I thought she was going to tell. But then... she leaned back in and returned the kiss," he blushes while Jewls made a gagging face, "Which showed me that she felt the same way, feels the same way."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I still don't know what she sees. You look like crap," She replies looking at his puffy eyes and messy hair that is usually slicked back.

"I mean you have me at one of my worst moments. I was actually crying on my way to the police station," he admits. 

"Really?" Jewls asks, "Were you worried about me telling the cops?"

"No, actually. That was the least of my worries," he says.

"Wow... you must really care about my sister," Jewls mutters under her breath to herself. She looks over at his bloodshot eyes and his fingers rapidly tapping on the steering wheel. "So if I did tell them anything..."

"Jewls, as of right now, I don't care what you told them," Dimitri feels his stomach flip-flop in fear f the lie he just said and continues, "I'm just worried I won't make it in time."

"In time for what?" Jewls asks in fear. 

"Gosh Jewls! Do you even care about your sister?!" Dimitri's voice booms throughout the car, making Jewls jump. 

"Of course I do!" Jewls replies just as loudly, but for some reason she still felt that learning about their love life was somehow more important. She asks quietly, "Mr.Dorzen?"

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