32: Sister Talk

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Esmerelda waits for the elevator anxiously, hoping that she can get back to the room in time. The elevator arrives and as soon as it opens her mouth drops open.

Mason and Jewls stand in each other's arms with their lips locked tight on to each other's. "Uh-Hmmm," Esmerelda clears her throat obnoxiously.

"Oh gosh!" Jewls says pushing Mason off her as she notices Esmerelda staring. "Hey Essie."

"Don't hey Essie me," Esmerelda says.

Jewls blushes and then notices the floor number. "Floor eight? This isn't our floor. What are you doing on this floor?"

"Oh uh," Esmerelda stutters realizing that she has no reason to be on this floor. She quickly makes up, "I know it isn't we're on the 18th, right Mason?" Mason nods and she continues, "I just got off on the wrong floor that's why I was getting back on the elevator. I mean it is 4am. Speaking of which we gotta hurry up."

It is now 3:58 and they are sprinting down the halls as quietly as possible. Mason opens his hotel room and his parents are standing expectedly. His mom giggles noticing the kids out of breath, "Wow good job, but we would've given you a 15 minute extension."

The kids roll their eyes and Esmerelda says, "Too late now. We just wanted to be on time to keep you from worrying."

"Which was very responsible of you. I'm sure all three of you have had a memorable evening, but it must sadly come to an end," Mason's father says through a yawn.

"Girls have a nice night," Mason's mother says waving the girls off.

The girls go right next door and crawl into bed quickly. "Hey Essie, you'll never believe what happened tonight," Jewls squeals.

"Please God tell me you didn't sleep with Mason," Esmerelda says worriedly. Wow I'm such a hypocrite since I nearly just slept with my teacher, she thinks to herself.

"Gosh no! Who do you think I am?!" Jewls scrunches her nose and says, "Mason prom-posed to me!"

"What? When? How?"

"Out on the patio," Jewls explains the whole evening to Esmerelda.

"Aww that's so adorable," Esmerelda says.

"Yeah, so what did you do?"

"Oh, uh nothing much. I just roamed around Times Square, which is insanely busy. I also took a subway for the first time," Esmerelda explains.

"How is it?! Is it scary?" Jewls sits up in her bed.

"No, actually it wasn't like super packed either. There was a hobo who yelled at a couple making out on the subway. That kinda scared me," Esmerelda laughs, "Oh my gosh I almost forgot, you missed the most beautiful music I've ever heard. While I was waiting for the subway to come there was a cello and a saxaphone player. Their playing was... enchanting."

"Wow what song did they play? Anything I know?" Jewls asks.

"I couldn't tell at first, but they were playing a quick jazz tune then they switched over into one of Beethoven's symphonies, I'm not sure which one though. It sounded unbelievably amazing. Then after they changed into that song 'Livin on a Prayer.'"

"By Bon Jovi?" Jewls asks.

"Yeah, it was oh my gosh-"

"I know! I know! I'm jealous," Jewls says laughing.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." Esmerelda says.

"No, I know, but I had a fun night."

"Yeah I know I should be the jealous one. You have a date to prom and I don't," Esmerelda sighs.

"I forgot to mention I saw your favorite person," Jewls smiles.


"Mr. Dorzen!"

"What?! When?! Where?!"

"Woah, hold on a sec. I know you're in love with the guy, but geez," Jewls laughs.

"I am not in love with him," Esmerelda lies. She is just making sure she wasn't seen with him.

"Yeah sure whatever," Jewls rolls her eyes, "He's actually staying here, I saw him."

Esmerelda stays as quiet as possible, praying that her sister hadn't seen her.

"I saw him in his window staring down. It looked like he was looking right down at me, but as soon as I was gonna wave two arms wrapped his chest and pulled him back."

"Are you sure it was him?"

"Well not really since it was so high up, but I swear it looked just like him. I think he's like on the eigth or tenth floor," Jewls says, "He must be here with his girlfriend or something. I guess I'll just have to ask him when we get back."

"No!" Esmerelda says quickly, "I mean, it's his business plus he might not tell you since he is the teacher."

"He might tell you," Jewls suggests.

"And why would he tell me about his weekend?" Esmerelda asks.

"Well you are the only band kid that he actually treats like an adult," Jewls says.

"Maybe because I am an adult?"

"No I see the way he talks to other seniors, you're different."

"Maybe it's because I'm a drum major, duh," Esmerelda continues trying to cover up what's plainly obvious.

"Not even. He even talks to Erica differently."

"Whatever you say you psycho," Esmerelda rolls her eyes, "Whether it's true or not, I'm not going to ask Mr. Dorzen if he was in New York this weekend."

"Fine then I'll do it," Jewls says.

"No that's so weird."

"What's weird is the way he stares at you," Jewls retorts.

"He doesn't look at me weird," Esmerelda says.

"Yes he does, I'm sure soon he'll ask you to prom."

"Shut up and go to bed," Esmerelda rolls her eyes pulling the covers over her, "We can talk in the morning."


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